I have the option of possibly getting some hay locally. I am wondering if I should get one or two bales... Does hay keep well, say if i kept my extra in the garage?
You've been really lucky to get very dry bales. Most people would end up with moldy hay using this storage method. Even having just 15% moisture content the inside of a sealed bag would sweat as the temperature outside changed causing the hay in contact with the interior of the bag to be exposed to that extra moisture and mold.I buy a big bale and split it up in leaf bags. Black ones. The sun cannot get through and turn it yellow. I store it in the garage and I live with high humidity. However I twist tie the bags tight on the ends. No problems.
Depends on your garage. Hay needs to be kept in a breathable area where it isn't going to come into contact with materials that will keep dampness up against it. Most farmers store it on pallets in a barn. I have too many bugs/rodents here so I keep mine in big moving boxes in my laundry room. I can get half a bale into each box. Currently working on a box I put up two years ago and the hay smells and looks just as fresh as the day it went in there.I am wondering if I should get one or two bales... Does hay keep well, say if i kept my extra in the garage?