Where to buy hay?!

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Where's the best place to buy hay online or offline. I want to make sure that I get a good batch and nothing to old or anything.
People here usually have good luck with the 40oz. bags of Oxbow Timothy hay from petsmart if you have a small number of chins. I also like Zupreem if you have a pet store near you that sells it.

I'm personally not a fan of pet stores, so I stay out of them as much as possible. I get my hay from my local feed store when they have good bales, or I order an Oxbow 9lb bag through them. American Pet Diner and Kleenmama's Hayloft are two popular choices for online ordering.

You will go through some trial and error when it comes to hay. Use whatever your chins like best. The best hay for your chins is the hay they will actually eat, whatever brand that may be.
I get my hay from qualitymutationchinchillas.com but I also buy it from Petsmart or Petco. You can also do a Google search for timothy hay on the internet.
Josh - Please stop posting duplicate threads. Bandwidth isn't free. You had two threads going for this same topic, and two for feed. One thread is sufficient.

Also, might I suggest you use the search function at the top of the forum, which will answer all the questions you have asked thus far. It comes in pretty handy when you ask common, very frequently asked questions, such as yours are. If you need help after that, then please feel free to post a question. But as a new owner, it would be good if you did some reading first through the various sections including new chin owner, diet and nutrition, housing, and the chinchilla FAQ's.