Where is Essentia, I need a vet in Jacksonville.

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My mac's hard drive died and the contact name was on there for a reasonable exotic vet, I think it was one out by Mayport?

Our 2 yr. old little Billy has crusty eyes and has been lethargic for about 7 hours (we think). He is cuddling with us but not eating or jumping around, just very sleepy. We have NOT changed any food in their diet (he has one cagemate, Buddy who is perfectly fine), nor their water, nor their bedding, nor anything else. We just thought he was sleepy today because it was colder in the house but now I know that's not the case. I tried to call Essentia phone in my email contacts but someone else has her number now. Please help!

Thanks, Angela in Jacksonville
Are any one of these it??

Exotic Bird Hospital
8820 Old Kings Rd S
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 256-0043

Riverside Animal Hospital
2641 Park St
Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 388-3494

Hidden Hills Animal Hospital
12134 Fort Caroline Road
Jacksonville, FL 32225
She has a link to her vets in the area on her rescue site. Jax Chinchilla Rescue:thumbsup:
Welcome!! Just an FYI, If you look at chin health and hygeine there is a sub-forum right below it that says veterinarians, just click on it and the click on the sticky at the top that says us veterinarians. There is alot listed there!!
She has a link to her vets in the area on her rescue site. Jax Chinchilla Rescue:thumbsup:

Yes, thanks I found that one too. I wasn't happy that the emergency vet they listed is one we've used before and AFAIK they aren't exotic pet specialists. We're going to stay up the night with this one and push CC on him, then take him in the morning.
Hey chickie. I haven't even read the thread yet to see what's going on (though I am going to in just a moment). Dr. Hart at Hidden Hills Animal Hospital is the person I use. Please, please, please tell them that I referred you (I will PM you my full name) as I get a tiny discount on my next visit with the referral. I've seen him 3 times in the last 3 months, so the funds are kinda tight at the moment. Any little bit helps.

Edit: Which vet I have listed is not an exotics vet? I am more than happy to remove it from my website if that's the case. The only one I have actually used is Hidden Hills. The others are ones that were recommended to me.

Also, if you need help hand feeding or anything, please let me know. I am currently hand feeding 2 other chinchillas right now, so another one won't be a burden. Or, if you just want to come over and see how it's done, that's more than fine. I don't have enough CC right now to pass some along to you, but Dr. Hart does sell it in his office.
Well, things did not turn out so well. :(

We took Billy in this morning to Dr. Hart's office and the x-ray revealed that he had a massive tumor which was pushing into his heart, lungs, stomach and pretty much everything else. No sign of malo, but his heart was weak and one lung entirely full of fluid w/no air exchange and the other just barely functioning. It was obvious that he was in a lot of pain so we decided to let him be euthanized before things became any worse.

Thanks to those who pointed out where the vet was, we live pretty far away from this one than the other one we used before but they are definitely more reasonable and we appreciated their bedside manner.
I'm so sorry. It is never easy to lose a beloved pet. I'm glad you were able to get him in to Dr. Hart quickly.