Where does everyone get their fleece items?

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2009
Western NY
I have looked around the posts of cage pictures and I see all these nice tubes, hammocks, and more! Where does everyone get them, or does everyone make their own?
Several people make an sell them. I know Tiffany (ThreeWingedFury) does, I'm not sure who else.
I make my own when I want them but don't use them much.
Alli (alli713) at Camphor Chins makes a lot of nice fleece items - houses, hammocks, tubes, etc
If you go into the classified section there is a thread listing everyone who sells items and what they sell.
www.camphorchins.com (alli713 on this forum) made all of my fleece items. My boys live 1/2 the day in the tunnel/tube and the corner house that she made for me. I think that she even does some custom sizes or pieces, just ask, she's very nice to deal with :)).
I make custom fleece items. As everyone above said, check out the classifieds for a big list of suppliers.
has anyone bought anything from fuzzbuttchins.com? are they good sellers?

I ordered a big box of goodies from her about a year and a half ago and everything was very nicely done and was very happy with everything she made and it arrived up here in a fairly short time.

I'm really not sure about her these days though b/c I haven't ordered from her so maybe others have more up to date information?
thank you everyone for your answers! I would love to make my own fleece, but I am not very crafty and I wouldn't know where to start! lol
I'm not sure if Fuzzbuttchins is still around? I know she was having some issues a while ago and then more recently I had heard that someone had emailed her and had gotten their email returned to them.
has anyone bought anything from fuzzbuttchins.com? are they good sellers?

Quite a while back many people ordered from her and never received their items. Despite multiple attempts on the part of the staff of CnQ to reach her and get resolution, she never responded. I don't believe she even has chins anymore.
has anyone bought anything from fuzzbuttchins.com? are they good sellers?

Heidi was the original creator of the fleece tube. It won product of the year in 2006, as I remember.

I have ordered from her in the past, but not recently. I have had only positive experiences with her and quick turnaround time for her products.

Alli (Camphor Chins) is also an awesome resource -- the corner house was HER invention, and Little Two Paws LOVES his!!!

Thank goodness for talented people on here!!!