Where do you put your chinnies while you clean their home?

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I also used to put them in a carrier before I got the playpen. The playpen is only used for cage cleaning days so that I can watch them while I clean. The bathroom is used for playtime.
Mine just stay in their cages, unless I'm doing an entire wipe down of the cage and shelves. They usually move to their fleece tubes if they aren't in them already and just sleep the entire time. If I'm doing a full clean, they go in their carriers. I have too many to keep an eye on while they play and clean cages at the same time! I can't just let a few out at a time, because when I wipe down cages I spray down all the cages with the water/vinegar and let it sit for 5 minutes before I start cleaning.
okay so when you all say carrier? are we talking cat carrier like a pet taxi? If so how large should it be for two? pics please or thread link if you can. thanks
I use a cat carrier. You can put two in one no problem, I put two into carriers. I don't think size is a big deal, if it can fit a cat it can fit two chins for the limited amount of time that they will be in it. I only use the carriers if I clean during the day time when they are sleepy anyway, so they are fine. I have tried putting them in the playpen if I have to do a day cleaning, and all they do is crawl into their train and go to sleep.
I atually put Trixie in a small pet carrier...like you would get for a cat. Got it at a yard sale for $2.00. She is far from pleased with the arraingement, but it is the safest place to put her.
I use liners and switch out every other day. For those times I leave them in the cage and work around them.

The deep clean once a week I usually put them in the bathroom.
As long as they are cagemates I would put both of them in the cat/pet carrier. I wouldn't suggest leaving them in the bathroom alone while cleaning cages.
I have a playpen like greychins does, but mine is attached to Tinkerbell's cage, so she can go in and out of her cage as she pleases. She is not a jumper so it works out fantically for me. When I clean her cage, she just hangs out in the pen. When I clean her pen, I shut her in her cage.
that will work.

when my guys travel in those, i just put a nice piece of fleece, a wood stick and sometimes a hay cube to keep them busy. your chins wont be in there long, you are only doing a quick clean.
Yes, that is absolutely ok to put them in while cage cleaning.
Here's mine -

I have a small cage that I use for dusting. It has a bath house in it and I also spread the dust around on the floor of the cage for those who prefer a more open area. It works great and I don't have to worry about what they are doing while I clean their cage.
When we clean we put them in dustbaths.
We dust them in those dome shaped trashcans - keeps the dust down and you can fit 2-4 chins in each. This is also what we use as the final step to our introduction process.