Where can I find this?

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014
I need something to put on the outside of my cage to keep the cat's paws out of it. This won't be an issue once I can move the chin to the other cage, but for the 30 days he needs to be quarantined, it's a problem.

I've looked and I can't find anything, but that's not saying much because I don't know much about these things. Links would be awesome. :]
Both Lowes and Home Depot carry it. A lot of hardware stores and feed stores carry it also. By the way, it is called 'hardware cloth' but it is really wire not clothe
Kathy, yes you can use it to baby proof a cage. We have used if for FN, and FF cages for years. Keep in mind it is a super pain to cut (invest in some electric shears from Harbor Freight) and needs either j clips or c clips to put it on, plus the tool that attaches them.
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