Kaluha, a vey small malnurished female came to me february 13th with a male and another female. She delivered a 56g kit on april 21st. We call him "button" .After two days of the kit losing weight, he dropped 8 grams, I fostered him out to an older female “peggy" who had littered a single kit 3 days prior. She took to him right away and I thought all was well. He dropped another 6 grams over the next two days. I started hand feeding and keeping him with peggy to keep him warm and cleaned. He fought hand feeding horribly, after 5 days of fighting him and no weight gain (or weight loss) I gave up. I left him with peggy and finally, he started gaining weight. peggy's kit is doing wonderful, he weighs 160 grams. I plan on weaning him at six weeks to give button a couple weeks alone with peggy. My dilema is, button only weighs 65 grams... He is 4 weeks old. How long can I leave him with peggy? I know they can breed at 8 weeks old, but I dont think he will be any where near 200 grams by 8 weeks. Any suggestions?