When I get my next chin

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Is there a way to try to avoid malo lines? I know that some are just going to get it, even responsible breeders on here have said they had chins with malo. Were those chins bred by them or ones they got as rescues, bought from other lines, etc? I just don't want to do this again. I know there is no completely foolproof way, but as in dogs, do you question the breeder about how many generations back they know there is no malo? Thanks
Well...this may sound a bit simplistic. Why not get an older chin? Maybe get a six or seven year old chin with jaws that feel good and clear of any bumps? I would think that by that age the chin is full grown and probably won't have a genetic problem....then again, I can't say that there are any total guarantees.

Sometimes malo pops up after many generations of no problems. It can be something that just arises out of the meshing of the genes with certain bloodlines. With that being said, there is more of a certainty if the breeder knows the lines and knows that there is no malocclusion in them. You will be less likely to end up with a chin that has tooth problems if you go with a good breeder - good meaning someone, who doesn't just breed chins indiscriminately without regard for quality and heath. :)
You are less likely to get Malo from a reputable breeder. Don't get me wrong it still pops up once in a while but people breeding selectively will have a lower number of those than the backyard breeders.
I agree that the likelihood of getting a malo chin from a good breeder is less, but it still happens. It happened to me. But that won't stop me from buying from good breeders. Sometimes it just pops up, like any other disease. And, some of it can be environmental (mine wasn't, but it does happen from a fall etc)
I agree with Susan about getting an older chin, they live so long that getting a 5 or 6 year old still gives you a nice long time to be with your chin. And then you have the added advantage of having given a chin who needs a home a good place to live.
I agree with Susan, and if you want to get a kit then really, not matter what, the best option is to find someone you trust, someone who's been working with the same lines for a long time. Some breeders have been around a while and have nice chins but switch lines often, others keep their lines and improve on them.

Malo is so unpredictable, so really there is always that chance.
I do want a youngster. Both of my boys were full grown when I got them, so I would like to start from the beginning. But more importantly, I want a healthy boy. Chilli was around 5 when his malo became very apparent. I think he always had trouble chewing though, his poor teeth don't even meet. I know I want another one, I want a mosaic, so I will wait for the next show in January probably and communicate with the breeders then. Are there good breeders here in CA that have been working on the mosaic lines for a long time?
I have found Malo in a couple of my chins, even though they were from some of the bigger breeders. It is always sad. We have only seen it in two, and we were lucky, we saw it early and took them out of breeding. One is still doing well, and doesn't seem to have it as bad.. yet. Sadly though our other one died.