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Feb 10, 2012
Is there a reason my hedgie will run some nights but not others (at least from what i can tell)? and Is there a way to tell how much they run each night?

Thanks, Smile :)
I've noticed that my little ones run less when they're chilly. First thing I'd do is check the temperature in your hedgie's house and make sure that it doesn't dip at night. Also, if there's something scary (thunderstorm, lights are on, too much noise), a hedgie may be too scared to come out. Illness can do it too. As can nails that have grown too long. Or the wheel smells funny to them (easy way to address that is to rinse and rinse with plain water... even if it smells normal to you in the first place). And there are some nights a hedgie will just decide not to run... or manages not to poop and pee all over the wheel while running which gives the illusion that no running occurred. Mostly, though, when I see a clean wheel, I worry and try to figure it out -- just like you're doing. Sooo.... check the temp, hedgie's nails, rinse the wheel, make sure the lights are out and that it's quiet... then see how it looks tomorrow morning. Or if there are any other signs things have gone awry (not eating, not pooping, belly is cool to the touch, sneezing, messy poops, etc...), then it likely suggests there's a problem.

Yes, you can tell how much they run at night if you hook up an odometer to the wheel. You can find a relatively inexpensive bike computer at places like Target/Walmart/Kmart. I believe Kalandra has done that with some/all of her wheels (??).
All of mine have them, or can have them. Tylda's is disconnected because she found the magnet and figured out how to move cage items to get to it.


I have seen fluctuations from weather changes. Tula gets very upset from storms and will run double or triple distance. Now, Poptart used to get upset from storms too. However, she wouldn't run.

Do a search for odometer. There should be a thread on how to hook one up. If you don't find it, let me know and I'll post more information about how I did it.
Thank you! I found the thread and I'm going to try and get one today, hopefully i can figure out how to hook it up!! i will also check the temp of his cage and clean his wheel extra tonight just in case. everything else looks fine so hopefully that will help!
You will have to post if you do get it hooked up and how far your little one runs. It is quite fascinating sometimes at just how much they can and do run.

It can also be very helpful as a health check/gauge too.

We have nights here where wheels just don't get dirty. In fact, this morning Tula's wheel looked spotless. Seriously it looked freshly washed. I checked her odometer this morning and the little girl ran 5.5. I found lots of poop hiding behind her wheel. She apparently was very good last night and hopped off of her wheel in time to go potty.

Now do keep in mind that they do have nights where they don't run as much. Tula's distance each night seems to be a roller coaster. I'll have to chart it sometime and share it.
I wish he would learn to poop anywhere but in his wheel but i know that's a lot of wishful thinking!! I just got my odometer today and I am trying to set it and it is asking for the tire size. I have a Carolina storm bucket wheel, what size should i put in? i think it wants me to put a four digit number in.
The number to input is the wheel's diameter in millimeters multiplied by 3.1416.

I think the storm buckets are 12"... but measure it to be certain.

304.8*3.1416 = 958
Thank you! I set it all up and i had to use a stronger magnet but it works. i can't wait to see how much my little guy runs! my only concern is that the magnet might be a little heavy. is there a way i can clear it each morning without having to input all the data again?
With mine I have to hold the left button down for 3 seconds and it zeros the trip information, but leaves the total odometer amount. I have a Schwinn 12 function (I think).
That's the type i have too, i'm still having trouble reading it but i'll figure it out. He hasn't been running much, the first night he ran 2.7 miles and it's slowly becoming less and less, last night he didn't even run 1 mile, he only ran .6 miles. that doesn't sound very healthy to me. should i be worried?
They will have off nights at times. Its one of the down sides of an odometer, you get to see what they are doing and when they have a low night you worry. Even my marathoner has nights where she will be way down. I think she takes a break, or just does something else in her cage that night to occupy her time.

Also watch the sensor. I have occasionally bumped it, or it will work its way down so that the magnet is no longer activating it. I test the wheels to ensure that they are registering before giving them back after being washed.
i think i just have a lazy hedgie his numbers seem to be down all the time. i was just watching him run up a storm so maybe he'll have a record tonight. he doesn't seem run constantly he runs for a couple seconds then stops or like he trips over his own feet, it's kinda cute. I wish i could tell if the magnet i put on was too heavy or not, i might just got try and find a lighter one but that's just as strong or stronger.