Wheel Cleaning

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hey all,

I just wondering what i am allowed to use to wipe down the wheel when it is not too bad to need full out cleaning but bad enough to need a quick wipedown. I remember reading about certain wipes a long time ago but i dont remember which ones and dont want to use anything harmful to my baby.

Scent free baby wipes would probably be ok... Also, I agree, a vinegar/water mixture would be good too. I prefer the vinegar mixture.
When I did Aero's wheel with vinegar and water he would get green stress poops.. So I realized it was the smell. I wiped it down with unscented baby wipes and it wouldnt take the smell.. I use regular baby wipes and he was fine.. But he was the only one I was able to use those on. They would stress the others out..
I soak Carmen's wheel in hot water so the poop comes off, wipe with a dish rag and let it soak again in different hot water (this time very hot). Then I take out to dry.
It cleans and no worries for scents.