What's your perfect world?

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Last night in chat we were discussing several things and this popped up between a few of us. My perfect world would be me thinner, not skinny I'd even settle for weighing 200lbs. And my perfect world would be families that love and care about each other. Many times I hear I hate my brother or I haven't talked to my mom in years. I don't see my sister, my father's a jerk. This distresses me so much. Without my family I am nothing. So my perfect world would be families that loved and cared about one another. Then we discussed world peace and we decided if my perfect world was real--families that loved and cared about each other, than world peace would probably be obtained.

Anyone else?
My perfect world would be a place where money wasn't God. The higher ups (congressman, businessman and etc) don't give a hoot about the people (us) who give them their power and $. Especially our government. They really don't care what happens to us as long as they get MONEY!
My perfect world would be a place where money wasn't God. The higher ups (congressman, businessman and etc) don't give a hoot about the people (us) who give them their power and $. Especially our government. They really don't care what happens to us as long as they get MONEY!

Yea, but money is just a symptom of something else. If it wasn't money, it's be goats or pogs or something.

I have no idea what my perfect world would be. I know what I like and I know what I don't like but I haven't figured out the world I'm in yet so I can't really find out what a perfect one would be like.
Yea, but money is just a symptom of something else. If it wasn't money, it's be goats or pogs or something.

Exactly! I don't want any of that in my perfect world! It would be a uptopia where we did for eachother.
I can't really speak to "perfect", but I think it would improve things greatly if more people thought 'How would I like someone to act toward me in this situation?' before they started talking.

I'm a cashier in an office supply store. The customers that answer my "Hello. Did you find everything on your list?" with some variant of "Yes, thanks." or "No, I needed ____. Do you carry it?" are always happier people with far fewer little difficulties to pile up and tick them off. There's a quote from Theodore Roosevelt on the bulletin board at work that always makes me chuckle: "If you could kick the person's pants that caused most of your difficulties, you would not sit down for a week."

Putting aside the annoyance, the anger, the frustration, the sadness, whatever long enough to be nice to that person in front of you for the next 90 seconds seems to make SO MUCH of a difference. But unless you're in a uniform and getting paid to do so (and not even many of those sometimes), not a lot of people seem willing or able to do it.
In my perfect world, people would be more polite and have better manners. Mean people just flat out annoy me.
There would be no pain or suffering. I know all about the argument that we'd never appreciate the good times if there was no suffering, but this is my perfect world, ha ha.
On the selfish side, I would like to be thinner.
My perfect world would be a place where money wasn't God. The higher ups (congressman, businessman and etc) don't give a hoot about the people (us) who give them their power and $. Especially our government. They really don't care what happens to us as long as they get MONEY!

be nice with what you say here! a personal/career goal of mine is to hopefully be in Congress one day :D

in a sense, thats part of my "perfect world"- to be a government leader who isn't influenced by money or lobbyists, but by the people's voice. i have faith that new leaders are out there and want similar things!

but my perfect world...well, as Mother Teresa says, "live simply so that others may simply live". i wish that people would conserve more. not just to promote a healthier planet, but to learn to lessen the greed that consumes so many of us. we take too much for granted. people think that to make any noticeable affect, something HUGE has to be done...when in reality, individuals just need to get back to the basics of life. its simple really...

but thats in a perfect world, huh?