What's inside whole rosehips?

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Just got a bag of whole rosehips in for the chins today. Chuck jumped up in my lap and went to town on one and the little seeds started falling out on the floor so I grabbed the other half from him to just go ahead and knock out the seeds. I knocked on the back of it upside down, but almost instantly it felt like my hands/arms/thighs were covered in tiny microscopic pieces of fiberglass. I looked inside it and there was a little cluster of fibrous looking stuff tucked in there. I took Debbie's away from her because I wasn't sure if this was normal or not. Is something going on with this batch or do they always have this stuff in there and if so, how the heck does it not bother them! I was miserable until I could wash of, but I'm still getting poked by the little suckers :confused2:
Yes, they are normal..and annoying! If they get on you they do poke you and make you itch like heck. They are actually used in itching powder. I used to give my chins whole rose hips but they would freak out when they got to the middle..sneeze and do the nose swipe and usually they ignored the rest of the rose hip. I have since switched to crushed and they and I are much happier. :))
Well, I don't know if I'm relieved or annoyed. I ordered the crushed ones, but I when they came in it was a bag of whole. I wonder if I can exchange them, minus two? If not I'll see if my fiance wouldn't mind crushing them up and sifting that awful junk off of them! I don't know if I'd be able to handle them to much. My little Debbie girl seemed like it was bothering her, but Chuck could care less. He's to much of a pig to let anything get in the way of his nomming.
The stuff inside of the rosehips won't harm the chins at all. I wouldn't worry too much about it, sometimes the chins act like it bothers them in some way but most of the time they don't care. At least that's how it is around here if I give out rosehips.
My girls never seem to care about the little fibers in the whole ones. I think it depends on the chin :))
How would you sift that stuff out of them if you crushed them? If you buy crushed rosehips, do they come with that awful stuff? I actually open and take all the stuff out by hand. One time I made the mistake of blowing into an opened rosehip, thinking there was literally only a couple of those fibers left that I couldn't reach with a rolled up tissue, and got the stuff all over my face, neck and chest. It was even in my cleavage!! It was awful and I had a huge rash until later the next day.
Crushed rosehips don't contain the itchy fiber. Well, I can really only speak for my own product. My crushed rosehips don't contain it. I have bought from others though before I started carrying my own and theirs didn't either.
2 of my boys don't really care for the whole rosehip and quickly drop them but when I put a few crushed pieces on a ledge, they go crazy for them and gobble them up right away.
I think I may try and get another package that are crushed. That stuff irritates me to high heavens. Plus that way I could give them more little pieces instead of just one big one. I like doting out treats to much to have it all be over after just one!