Whats calf manna?

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Mar 16, 2010
Upstate New York
I bought some just because i figured it would be good for my little guy but I have no idea what to do with it.
I figure he eats it but im not sure if i mix it into his food or what
If i do mix it in how much do i mix and how often?
I bought some just because i figured it would be good for my little guy but I have no idea what to do with it.
I figure he eats it but im not sure if i mix it into his food or what
If i do mix it in how much do i mix and how often?

I feed 2 or 3 pellets per chin per day.

Besides being an excellent source of protein and energy, Calf-Manna's palatability has made it the preferred product by successful breeders, trainers, and producers for keeping their animals on feed-a major concern during times of stress. Anise, a flavor agent that provides an inviting aroma and taste, encourages consistent feed intake helping animals get started and stay on feed. provides an array of amino acids from multiple protein sources, which are essential for growth and reproduction. Yeast is included to aid in the healthy function of the digestive system and to encourage intake. Calf-Manna provides highly digestible carbohydrates from multiple sources, providing your animals with an excellent source of energy. Linseed, long used for skin and coat conditioning, offers protein and oil to diversify the amino acid and fatty acid composition.
Besides being an excellent source of protein and energy, Calf-Manna's palatability has made it the preferred product by successful breeders, trainers, and producers for keeping their animals on feed-a major concern during times of stress

Can you be specific with who those breeders are? I know Bowen's don't use it, because it's too high in protein, causes issues with breeding females, and has been known to cause diarrhea because of the protein content. Gary Neubauer spoke about it during a chat on CnQ. Someone asked about it and he said that if you had to use it, only use it for a few days, just a few pellets, right after the female gave birth. Ryerson's, when I asked several years ago, also didn't recommend using it because of the protein count, and basically because it's unnecessary if you feed a good quality feed.

I tried it here before I knew better, and it caused huge amounts of loose poops. Becky, I believe, had the same issue. JAGS didn't used to use it, unless they've changed their supplement/feed mix. I'm curious as to who the breeders are that you know of who use it regularly.

Also - Did you copy your post word for word off of their website? If you did, it's generally recommended to put it in quotes and state where the paragraph came from.

Lee - If you're feeding a good quality pellet, especially if it's Mazuri (which has caused diarrhea in many a chin) then adding calf manna to it is unnecessary. Don't take the "everything but the kitchen sink" approach to feeding your chin. Good quality pellets, good quality hay, and fresh water. That is all your chin needs.
In the food I got from JAGS, there were what looked to be calf manna pellets in the mix. There is also another pellet I couldn't place. It's a fat, dark green pellet.
Ok well he is on mazuri feed as of today but he doesnt have any interest in the calf-manna at all so i guess ill just keep it in a container and feel silly for buying it
In the food I got from JAGS, there were what looked to be calf manna pellets in the mix. There is also another pellet I couldn't place. It's a fat, dark green pellet.

I don't know what is in the JAGS feed but I would guess that the fat dark green pellets are plain alfalfa pellets.

ETA: as opposed to alfalfa-based chinchilla/rabbit pellets which also have other ingredients and vitamin complexes.
No calf manna pellets in the jags formula! Crysta the pellets you are seeing that look like calf manna are a pellet my local mill puts together for me. I would tell what all is in them (besides a lot of time, money and effort) but then I would have to kill ya.
I have used it as a treat when weaning dental chins off hand feeding, the pellets are softer than regular pellets and they will eat them and get the idea that pellets don't hurt, worked on my past chins. I would not use it for healthy chins, way too much protein for everyday use.
I agree with everyone, it's definitely not necessary especially for pet only chins.

247 chins here without any diarrhea.

But many of us have had issues (including me! 5 chins with diarrhea all cleared up after switching feed), so it is always worth mentioning. :)) It's great that you haven't had any problems, but it definitely isn't unheard of. It's not that everyone is knocking down the feed, but I like to mention that it has been known to cause problems with quite a few chins (I wouldn't so much if it was only a few instances) so people are aware, which I'm sure was Peggy's intention as well...

I wouldn't add calf manna with Mazuri not only for the other problems mentioned but also while it is still a good quality pellet, it is also one of the ones with the highest protein content..I wouldn't want to add even more protein to it by adding the calf manna.
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I have used calf manna in animals recovering weight from an illness, but that is only in rare instances. Not regularly
247 chins here without any diarrhea.

Susan, I know you feel compelled to point this out in every single thread that Mazuri is ever mentioned in, but you are one of the few people who feel this way. I'll tell you the same thing here I've told you before, good for you! If it works for you that's great, stick with it, but pretty much everyone I know other than you has had issues with diarrhea. This thread wasn't about you sticking up for Mazuri, it was a very clear point being made that Mazuri is known to cause diarrhea in many, many chins and calf manna does as well. What is the point to combining the two?
There's no point in combining the two. No one should try to make people feel bad for using Mazuri. I don't want my customers to feel bad about using it or think that I am selling them bad food, that's all. Does it have to be mentioned at the mention of Mazuri that some people have had soft droppings with it? People have soft droppings with all sorts of different feeds.
Of all the top feeds, Mazuri is the only one associated with problems. Many people feed it with no problems, but many people have had problems.

It isn't that it's a bad feed. I suggest it to my customers, if they can't get Tradition, but they all I know that I believe that Tradition is a better feed. Since most people buy feed at a pet store, I would much rather they use Mazuri than the other chin feeds pet stores carry!
Does it have to be mentioned at the mention of Mazuri that some people have had soft droppings with it? People have soft droppings with all sorts of different feeds.

I don't. I have only had soft droppings with Mazuri, as have many others, which is why I tend to mention soft droppings in conjunction with Mazuri. The only other problem I've ever had with a feed was Penpals, but it didn't result in soft droppings, it resulted in the chins dropping dead with no symptoms.

I've had people pm me privately - "My chin has diarrhea." What kind of feed do you use? "Mazuri." I say the same thing to them privately that I say here - people have been known to have diarrhea occur with the use of Mazuri. They switch off of the Mazuri and the diarrhea stops. What else would you say caused the diarrhea? Was it just incidental that the diarrhea stopped as soon as the Mazuri was taken away, even though nothing else was changed?

I don't understand why you get so defensive of Mazuri. No one is suggesting you stop using it. I would bet it's one of the better feeds that you can get in the area where you are. And again, if it works for you, that's great. For other people there are a lot more, and in my opinion, better choices. If I could get Tradition here, hands down, it would be THE feed I would choose. I can't, so I have to go with something else that I think is good. As Becky said, if that's all they can get (for instance, buying from a pet store), then go with the Mazuri.
I don't want my customers to think that I am selling them something that is awful. That is why. I sell it and I don't have problems. I don't want people to think that I am lying or that I am doing something that would compromise the health of their pets. None of my customers ever complain about diarrhea or soft droppings and I don't have problems. That's why I am defensive. Would you be defensive about what you feed? What if you fed it for over a decade with no problems?

I don't understand the diarrhea thing because I put rescues onto it all the time and no one ever has a problem. No one in the herd has diarrhea.

That's all. Am I allowed to have an opinion? Am I allowed to defend my choice? Yes!! I am allowed to do that. And, if someone mentions that they have diarrhea on Mazuri, I can mention that I do not. That's what I use, I have no reason to switch...I have healthy, happy chins on it with no problems. Not to mention the fact that it is produced by a company that follows ISO-9001 quality control measures...so from batch to batch it is very consistent.

I've had people contact me about diarrhea, too. They always say Kaytee or some other petstore garbage. So, whatever. I'm allowed to say what I want just like everyone else is...especially if a customer of mine starts a thread asking a question about something.
That's why I am defensive. Would you be defensive about what you feed? What if you fed it for over a decade with no problems?

No, because I don't care what you think of what I feed. What works for me is my business. It doesn't matter if it works for you. In that vein, why do you get so upset if people don't like Mazuri? It's not like you get a kickback from the company? I'm sure your customers aren't lining up, picketing your house, stoning you for selling them Mazuri. I'm guessing it works fine for them, because they still buy it right?

It isn't even that you are voicing an opinion. Of course you are entitled to have that, as long as you don't get defensive and upset because other people have one too. You act as though anybody who says anything against Mazuri is out to get you and ruin your business. You didn't need to even post to this thread as it had absolutely nothing to do with your feeding practices. Someone asked about calf manna. I recalled that Lee was feeding Mazuri. Two VERY high in protein feeds smashing together is not something that most people want to feed their chins.
Mazuri caused issues here way back when...then I switched to Tradition and not a problem since (and have switched to Nutrena since all of that). I think the thing that has to be considered here is what works for MOST should be what is accepted as norm. What works for YOU, may or may not be what works for MOST and what is considered the NORM. There is absolutely no reason to be so defensive of something that so many others have had issues with. That said, you are entitled to do what you will with your herd and so is everyone else. You, Susan, are an exception to the "rule" but you shouldn't have your own new "rule" simply because.
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