Besides being an excellent source of protein and energy, Calf-Manna's palatability has made it the preferred product by successful breeders, trainers, and producers for keeping their animals on feed-a major concern during times of stress
Can you be specific with who those breeders are? I know Bowen's don't use it, because it's too high in protein, causes issues with breeding females, and has been known to cause diarrhea because of the protein content. Gary Neubauer spoke about it during a chat on CnQ. Someone asked about it and he said that if you had to use it, only use it for a few days, just a few pellets, right after the female gave birth. Ryerson's, when I asked several years ago, also didn't recommend using it because of the protein count, and basically because it's unnecessary if you feed a good quality feed.
I tried it here before I knew better, and it caused huge amounts of loose poops. Becky, I believe, had the same issue. JAGS didn't used to use it, unless they've changed their supplement/feed mix. I'm curious as to who the breeders are that you know of who use it regularly.
Also - Did you copy your post word for word off of their website? If you did, it's generally recommended to put it in quotes and state where the paragraph came from.
Lee - If you're feeding a good quality pellet, especially if it's Mazuri (which has caused diarrhea in many a chin) then adding calf manna to it is unnecessary. Don't take the "everything but the kitchen sink" approach to feeding your chin. Good quality pellets, good quality hay, and fresh water. That is all your chin