What to get a Ferret?

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Dryer vent hose makes a good tunnel toy. Fleece furniture (like the chin hammocks etc.) is good for cuddling in and rooting around under. Cardboard boxes w/out tape or staples. Cat toys like jingle balls and other stuff they can smack around or "steal" and hoard under furniture. (At one point I'd thought about ferrets instead of a chin but that's about all I remember. I'm sure the experts will be along shortly.)
I buy these black ribbed drainage tubes at Lowes, they are like 4 inches in diameter and I think 10 feet long and don't cost very much maybe 4-5 bucks. They love to run through the long tube. Ferrets love crinkly sounds, love to pounce and make a crinkly crashing noise. One thing I made was to take a child safe pill bottle, put a couple of little jingle bells in the pill bottle, snap the lid shut, cut a large circle of fleece, place the bottle in the middle of the circle, gather it all up with plenty of extra fleece for the top. Then cut a strip of fleece to tie at the top to hold it all together. I wonder if some chins might like these also? IDK what to compare it to, maybe how Easter baskets are covered with cellophane. Oohh, that cellophane is just the thing that ferrets love making the crinkly sound with, I guess you can find it at a craft store. I would put that cellophane inside a fleece pillow. Post some pics of the ferret, esp when he is playing with his new toys.
Any thing fleece, mine love hammocks and like everyone else says those tubes at Lowes are fun.
Make a rice box. Use a plastic bin and fill it with unprocessed white rice. Add ferret and watch em dig, roll and scatter the rice. Makes a mess but most ferrets love digging in it.