What song describes your chinchilla! :)

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Jul 29, 2009
Southeast Texas!
The title says it all, describe your chin and give a song that says what your chinchilla is all about!

Mine would have too be;
Puff daddy; Big poppa - Notorious B.I.G
Cookie monster; Thriller - Micheal Jackson

and the youngest..
Miles; So what -P!nk

Go Go Go!
This may be cheating, but I sing Georgia to Georgia all the time. Maurice is the pompitous of love.
I see people are viewing this, don't be shy!
Bethany, what kind of chin do you have? Male, female, standard, pink white, sweet, talkitive, shy, loving, funny?

Ha Ha.
Georgia is a standard and she is my sweet chin. Maurice is a ex dk eb and he is all over the place he does think he is the pmpitous of love whatever that is.
Marie, I see the pic of your chin she has a beautiful coat!
Very full, she is a well fed chinnie as I can see. Cute :)

Thanks. I try. She loves her food and hay, that is for sure. She had a brief period a couple years back where a part of her coat got a bit matted, but with some TLC it seems to have improved for the better.
Was she a rescue or adoptee?

Um...pet store chin. Sorry. BUT..the only reason I bought her where I did was the clerk I dealt with was a chin owner herself, and answered ALL my questions..even helped me picking out food, and cage supplies for her. Gave me her work schedule as well, so I could call and speak with her if I had questions.
She is 4 now, and I am not sure why the small patch of her fur was matted for a while, but she is all better.
I have a male who does his mating dance anytime a female in the room is in heat, whether he has access to her or not...so I would have to say his theme song is either
"Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye or "Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred (I think)