What size cloth wire?

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Cloth wire is for wrapping existing cages to make them baby safe. To make a cage itself, you need cage wire, and no thinner (higher in number) than 16 gauge. As for the wire spacing size, it depends on your chins size. If they are very young, they may still be able to escape or get stuck in a cage that's 1" x 1". But, if they're adults, 1" x 2" is fine, and that size wire is less expensive than wire with smaller spacing.
A hardware cloth/19 gauge wire cloth cage is doable, but it requires a whole heck of a lot of reinforcing. Like Mish said...it's easier to make a cage out of cage wire because it will be sturdy enough to stand on its own. The 1"x1/2" 16 gauge wire will make a good cage...1"x1" is good, but if you can find it in 14 gauge then go with that. Listen to Mish on the sizes for adults and babies. ;)
The first run I made was out of 19 gauge wire. Even at only a foot in height, and a LOT of reinforcing, the sides will bow out under its own weight when I open the doors. If it were any taller, as I assume he would want for a pet cage, I don't think 19 gauge would be suitable at all.

14 gauge is definitely a lot sturdier, but also more expensive and harder to cut (especially if you're doing it by hand!) 1" x 1/2" 16 gauge is what I use for everything now, but that fits my needs as a breeder. For a pet cage, wider spacing would be okay, so long as the chin is big enough to not get its head stuck.
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I used a 16 gauge 1" x 1/2" galvanized after weld wire I found at Lowes. It was the only wire I could find that had decent spacing and decent gauge. I wouldn't go any gauge higher. I have it attached to a wood frame. I also don't think I would be able to unroll and flatten a 14 gauge easily.

I think a lot of people have used the welded wire I have, so I think it's at least relatively available in stores. The review on the site for the wire that states someone got it with inconsistent spacing is something I didn't run into by the way.
Then you can use whatever, including the 19 gauge 1/2" x 1/2" wire. However, if you plan on attaching a lot of heavy objects to the wire, like a wheel or a lot of ledges and shelves, then maybe you ought to go with 16 still or else you will be repairing it a lot!