What should I do?

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
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I am wondering what to do with my chinnie Cheddar. She was doing good with letting me touch her, but recently, she has been acting worse than when I first got her. She won't come up to me, and won't even take a treat from me. She mostly hides under her wheel from me. I have been taking it slowly, but it is hard for me because Burrito was really tame from day 1. And Cheddar is really scared of humans since she was living in a plastic bin and had little / no handling or interaction. Any advice would be great. Thanks.:)
How long have you had her?

It can take months for chins to trust humans in some cases. In others they don't really like you but tolerate you. And in other cases they just plain out hate humans.

I don't think there's much else you can do other than be patient with her. Don't force things on her like grabbing her or chasing her to get her back into the cage.

You can just continue talking to her and keep trying to offer her treats. If she isn't biting, then at least she doesn't hate you.

Sometimes it just takes a long time.
How long have you had her?

It can take months for chins to trust humans in some cases. In others they don't really like you but tolerate you. And in other cases they just plain out hate humans.

I don't think there's much else you can do other than be patient with her. Don't force things on her like grabbing her or chasing her to get her back into the cage.

You can just continue talking to her and keep trying to offer her treats. If she isn't biting, then at least she doesn't hate you.

Sometimes it just takes a long time.

I have had her for about 3 weeks now. I haven't even let her out for playtime because I couldn't touch her except for her head before (can't touch her at all now). Hopefully she will come around soon!
If you have the time, take a book or a laptop into the room where she is and just spend time with her that way, so she becomes more comfortable with you. Ignore her until she starts acting somewhat interested in you. Then you can start trying to hand feed her treats again. It's definitely worth a shot!
If you have the time, take a book or a laptop into the room where she is and just spend time with her that way, so she becomes more comfortable with you. Ignore her until she starts acting somewhat interested in you. Then you can start trying to hand feed her treats again. It's definitely worth a shot!

I actually just moved her into my room tonight that has my laptop in it. I spend most of my night there doing homework and going on this forum. :) Hopefully this will help. Right now she is staring at me while I type. but if I go and touch her, she freaks out.:hmm:
Do you ever just sit close to the cage, try that too so maybe she'll get used to you being closer to her.
Like everyone else has said sometimes it just takes a very long time to gain a chinchillas trust. My youngest chinchilla just recently started letting me give him scritches and I have had him for a couple months now.
My first chinchilla, Toby, was very social right off the bat. But my more recent chin (and the youngest) took some time to get used to everything. So don't let yourself get discouraged. Chinchillas are all different.
Patience is definitely the key with chinchillas. And you have to remember just because Burrito is friendly and tame and loves you doesn't mean Cheddar will be the same way. As Alli said some chins never grow to like their human. The advice to sit by her cage and talk quietly to her is the best advice. It could take a very long time for her to warm up to you, just be patient.
Definitely give her some time. It took a very long time for my chin to feel comfortable enough to groom me (about a year and a half).

I do spend a lot of time just sitting by her home and talking to her. If I'm reading a book, I sometimes read it aloud to her so she gets more comfortable with my voice. There was awhile where I was really into playing games on my boyfriends PSP, so I would play in front of her home so she could watch the screen too.

I think it just needs time and patience.
I've had Chalupa for 7 months and she's the same way. She's actually more friendly with me when she's out of her cage, maybe that would work for you. When she's in the cage she doesn't want me near her but when she comes out for play time she actually comes up to me and will hop on my leg and hang out near me, as long as I don't reach for her. It's hard for me since my Boy Patch is such a lovebug and always wants scrithces.
I think that some chins get jealous. I just got two more boys and my first boy hates it when I go to play or talk to them. I have been taking it very slowly with those newer ones. I sit right by the cage and talk to them. I give them twigs, but I do not try to grab them out. I take their cage into the bathroom with me for playtime. That way they can just get in and out whenever they want to. That is a lot easier than trying to get them out. Plus I try to act like I don't see them when they get out. I don't try to pet them yet either. I let them climb on me and nibble my fingers. That way they get used to me.