What Mutation?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Hey guys, so I have a 6 month old male chin named Furby and I think, he's a standard gray, he's just really light. I attached a picture, so maybe you can tell me? He's darker gray on his back, lighter on the sides, his ears are flesh-colored. How big do these guys get? And is he going to get darker with age? (I heard the do that) Thanks for your help! :)

I am thinking darker hetero beige, but agree the pic is kind of hard to see. I do look at and think, it "could" be a very light standard, but then I see some oxidation on the back that is more common with beige.

If you can get a picture of him playing say in a white bath tub, or even held down lower so we can see his back better I would be more confident, but I'm going to say beige.

PS. Standard is not a mutation, anything except standard is though. :)
you could be right - sometimes beige with poor lighting look like standards in a picture. That is why I hate sending people pictures because the colors could be 'not real' . As I said in my other post by the op, often when a person says 'light gray' it is usually a beige
A beige should also have a white belly, I was looking at that also unsure if it was solid or just not real clear. If the belly is not white then it would be a tan.
Thanks guys! I really have no idea. He's also very young. About 5 months old. I've heard they get darker. But yeah he does have a white belly but it's not very much white. I really don't know.

I am taking him to this place where they help people adopt rescued Chins and I plan on adopting another one because, I really can't get enough. They told me to bring Furby in to see how personalities go, I guess I can ask them. I know the lighting is tricky I'll try to add a new picture at some point.
Looks like a beige to me, too. He'll probably get adorable little freckles on his ears as he gets older!

Also, I wouldn't suggest bringing Furby in to meet new chins, that's how a lot of diseases get spread. Better to just describe his personality in detail, whether or not he's aggressive, passive, etc.
Also, I wouldn't suggest bringing Furby in to meet new chins, that's how a lot of diseases get spread. Better to just describe his personality in detail, whether or not he's aggressive, passive, etc.
I wouldn't worry about this unless you're going to a place that kennels a lot of dogs and cats. If it were an issue among chins we'd have quit having shows a long time ago. I've never brought anything back from one and some have had around 300 animals.

If the rescue place only does chins they are likely to know their rescues well and I can see why they'd want you to bring him. They can also help you with his color and make sure he is a he! :))
Im not sure - first pic looked tan, but the last two pics looks like a standard...he also looks like he's furchewed or been chewed on by a cage mate...just fyi
He's been fur biting himself, he doesn't have a cagemate. He has plenty of chew toys and is otherwise really sweet and energetic and runs on his wheel. Everything seems normal... except that.