What kind of idiots think this is funny?

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My brother would think that that is funny, but he can be an idiot at certain times. Sometimes I get concerned about selling chins to college kids because I envision this type of behavior.

It's not funny...it is disgusting. It is not alright to give the chin a "hit" of anything.
Well, that makes me angry! If people decide to screw up their lives, brains and bodies with drugs, I guess that's up to them. They know the dangers of what they are getting into. But an animal can't make an informed decision. WTF?!!!
That is sooooo irresponsible! Some people should not be allowed to care for anything living. They just don't have what it takes.
I didn't watch the video, just read the caption and that was enough for me. Disgusting and sad. Ugh :mad:
That is really sad but I was expecting something even worse. I hate pets in dorm rooms, and never let college kids adopt chins unless they seem very responsible and live in a house without a bunch of roomates. It is scary what people can and will feed them when you are away.