What is your chins favorite kind of wood?

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Active member
May 28, 2013
My chin seems to go crazy over apple and hates pine... Which is what I find most in stores :/
Store wood is overpriced! Mine like apple wood twigs with the bark still on. Try getting a mix from some of the members on here that sell organic woods. A whole pound is a ton of wood and its way cheaper than the pet store. ^_^
Apple apple apple! both of mine chew the back COMPLETELY off :) They don't seem to care for the actual wood itself though.
My girls seem to all like apple the most. They all like willow ok and will occasionally chew on a grapevine perch I have for them. Two like poplar and one won't touch it. The only pine toys I've had for them have been from the pet stores and they don't seem to like them at all.
I offer my chins a variety of woods and since I cannot remember which kind is which I am not completely certain. I do know they enjoy the apple.
One of mine loves pretty much any wood, but goes particularly NUTS over apple. Him and his brother are also both over the moon for blackberry :D

They chew on their pine stuff occasionally, generally when it's on a hanging toy, and they like willow but it's hard to get where I am. They also both prefer sticks and whirlies to coins...coins hand around FOREVER (unless they're grapevine)
Bigelow absolutely lovesssss apple. He tears through apple sticks in five seconds flat! Luckily, my property was passed on to me from my father, who planted two lovely apple trees on it that have never been sprayed/treated with anything. I love finding fresh sticks and scrubbing and baking them for him. =)
Basket of Chinchillas, how do you process the blackberry vines? I have tons of blackberry over here and have never thought of giving it to the chinnies.
Stanley goes through phases. He started out loving apple, but it has to be like apple that looks like it was just pulled off the tree. He's not a huge fan of the stuff you can get in stores. Then he loved willow for a millisecond and then switched to bamboo and now to ocotillo and kiwi. But he also likes poplar and mulberry a lot too. I highly suggest ordering from the vendors here on the site. Ronda of rondaschins.com has a Rainbow Sampler box that has 5-10 of each type of wood in stock. I just ordered it for my little guy and got poplar, sycamore, apple, pink pussy willow, corkscrew willow, weeping willow, mulberry, elm, cottonwood, and pear. I highly suggest ordering it if you're still trying to figure out what your chin likes best.
Anything fresh and not overly processed (scrubbing and light baking with no boiling as well as no store bought stuff) and a good bark layer. They pretty much only chew the bark off and ignore the wood after that. Kiwi and grape vine are destroyed when they get bored but lack bark so they might sit around for awhile being periodically chewed in half until the pieces get too small. They don't like cactus.
how do you process the blackberry vines? I have tons of blackberry over here and have never thought of giving it to the chinnies.

Just like any other stick, but take off ALL the thorns first. And double check for tiny ones. It's a pain in the-well finger in this case, but better my fingers than their mouth.

Yuki's had apple, grapevine, pear and blackberry.
Apple and grape are his favorites, but whatever he doesn't regularly have becomes a fun treat. (I've got some up for sale and I'm hoping I get offers to trade for flavors that way I can test more with him-and if Yuki liked something enough I may even plant something)
Chilly favors pear and willow; he will shred them to bits... But he does like apple.

Momo will nibble on pretty much anything I give him, but he seems to not care much for anything other than apple. He really strips the bark off of apple and chews it up but he'll just take a thin layer off of anything else.
Gizmo's favorite is Octiollo (I think that's how it's spelt).
Shiloh's is Mulberry.
Chase's is pine.. oddly. Go figure. Crazy Shelf Chewer. haha

MaveRick, Luna, Pip, and Squeak don't seem to really have a favorite. As long as it has bark on it, they like it.
My chin is crazy for mulberry! I need to order a big supply of it.

Some wood he won't touch at all (manzanita) and others, he only chews until the bark is gone.