What is the best carrier for a chin?

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Gotta love chins
Mar 22, 2010
What is the best carrier to use for a chinchilla? Would a soft sidded or hard sidded carrier be better?
A hard sided carrier is best. If you just have 1 chin, a hard cat carrier works fine as long as your chin isn't a plastic chewer.
that carrier is fine and actually works very well for chinchillas. I had a mom and her two kits in one of those for an entire weekend.
I think that would work fine. And I like how the holes are higher up, so the shavings won't get kicked out if you put shavings in there with the chin.
I disagree. For flying/extended travel, when they are not being watched, I don't think that the ferret cage would be a good idea.

Plastic is OK for short term travel, when you are monitoring them in case they start chewing, but on a long-term basis, they could chew their way out.

I learned that the first time that I put Mr. Whiskers in the cat carrier while I cleaned his cage. He managed to chew a substantial hole in the carrier near the door.

I say, metal only...better safe than sorry!!! :thumbsup:

ETA: MY BAD!!! I got this thread confused with the one where the person is moving and flying his chins.

(Mods/Admin -- if possible, please delete. THANKS!!!)
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I like that the holes are high up. Everytime I transport chinnies I have a mess in my car. I am going to have to order a couple.