what have i gotten myself into?!

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Knuckles is SCARY!
SO maybe thats a little dramatic, but the sounds coming out of that little guy are terrifying!
I havent been able to pick him up with my bare hands, he keeps trying to impale me! I feel bad for scaring him, but im fairly certain I am farrr more affraid than he is.
I think every new hedgie ower is intimidated by the huffing, hissing and popping at first don't worry you'll get used to him and don't be nervous about scaring him just try picking him up with a blanket or when he goes into a pipe hat or something like that pick the pipe/hat . . etc up with him in it and try letting him crawl out into your hand

Good Luck! :thumbsup:
Yes I've had success with a blanket, he cant be THAT scared cause he unballs pretty quickly, but then im affraid hes gonna take a bite outta my hand once he finds it. i cant believe im such a big baby
I was pretty afraid of Harvey biting me when I first got him too but its been over three months and I still haven't been bitten jst try trusting him and hope you haven't got a biter! :laughitup:
Well, what you've managed to get yourself into is the beginning stages of hedgie addiction. I can see the first signs already (and they are good signs): you're considering how the world appears from your hedgie's point of view - it's kind of scary for a little guy.

It's pretty normal to have a huffy ball of quills - particularly at first. From your hedgie's perspective, everything in his life has just changed: new cage, new bedding, new water dish/bottle, new water flavor, new food dish, new toys, new scent in the air, new humans... Be patient, be quiet and subtle in your movements.

If your hedgie is making machine-gun huffing/hissing be calming to him - turn the lights down low and quietly sing a song that you would sing to a baby. Personally, I go for "You are my sunshine" but replace "sunshine" with "hedgehog."

If he's attacking, it's probably because he thinks he needs to defend himself. You can pick him up with a piece of fleece - scrap fleece from a fabric store will work wonders. For you, it'll help protect your hands; for him, it'll provide a place to snuggle and hide when he's in your arms; for the both of you, he'll become better used to your scent because the fleece won't block that.
Well lucky for him I got him from someone that had him for a while, not a petstore. So hes got his familiar cage, bedding, food, hide, dishes.

Now I dont mean to diss his former human because she did love him very much and I'm sure she was just ill informed. But I will need to change his cage dramatically. She thought it was a 20 gallon aquarium but when he was delivered it turns out its a 10 gallon. He has no wheel, and hes on cedar bedding, and for some reason a puppy pee pad under neath it. Hes eating kitten food but I dont think theres really a problem with it. Hes a year and a half old, and hes a big boy but hes not overweight. He can easily ball up and hide every bit of his un-quilly stuff.
Aww! He'll be ok, now that he's got a great mommy I'm sure he'll turn out to be OK. He's prolly just scared/annoyed about the move.

My girlfriend thinks hedgehogs sound like video-game machine guns LOL!
My hedgehog huffs all the time, at noises, movements, just about anything you can think of, but still he has never bitten more or anyone else who has held him. Just be patient, you'll get used to it.