Well-known member
I wanted to make them a special food dish, but I dont know how to, or what to put in it? Does anyone know any? If so can I have the recipe and dirrections on how to make it please?
Treats should really be given in moderation and not as part of a food mix. If you want to treat your chins, why not give a pinch of rolled oats or rose hips or a plain (non-sugared) shredded wheat? We give treats to make us humans feel better. While your chins may enjoy a treat now and then, they will be heathier in the long run with fewer treats and feeding a quality pellet and quality hay (& water). That's all they really need...
We have given dried mint, I would just put it separate and not mix it with anythingthank you! I was thinking of throwing some dried mint leaves in their timothy hay? Is that okay to do?