What fun treat/food mix can I make my chins?

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
New Jersey
I wanted to make them a special food dish, but I dont know how to, or what to put in it? Does anyone know any? If so can I have the recipe and dirrections on how to make it please?
Treats should really be given in moderation and not as part of a food mix. If you want to treat your chins, why not give a pinch of rolled oats or rose hips or a plain (non-sugared) shredded wheat? We give treats to make us humans feel better. While your chins may enjoy a treat now and then, they will be heathier in the long run with fewer treats and feeding a quality pellet and quality hay (& water). That's all they really need...
Treats should really be given in moderation and not as part of a food mix. If you want to treat your chins, why not give a pinch of rolled oats or rose hips or a plain (non-sugared) shredded wheat? We give treats to make us humans feel better. While your chins may enjoy a treat now and then, they will be heathier in the long run with fewer treats and feeding a quality pellet and quality hay (& water). That's all they really need...

thank you!
I know some members make chin cookies, here is a recipe I found

Chins love herbal supplements/ treats (rose hips, oats, nettle, dandelion, red clover leaf and blossoms, hibiscus, chamomile, etc) they are great addition to hay and pelleted diet. Loose alfalfa hay can also be used as a healthy treat, you can even mix in some herbs for foraging fun!

You can also offer various hays: timothy, orchard grass (my chins love valley organic orchard grass, it also contains some alfalfa and dandelion), bluegrass, meadow, brome, oat, wheat, barley.
I'm not clear if you are wanting to mix treats in with the food, but as said before that's not advised, it can promote digging through the pellets and only eating out the things they want ( the treats ) leaving the pellets uneaten, and wasted all over the cage floor. I believe "treats" when given should be given from the hand to encourage trust.
Was it on this forum I read about giving a teabag as a treat? I cannot seem to remember where I read that,and I do not want to give Trixie one unless all of you here clear it as an occasional treat.
Not that I've ever seen Marie. I can't think of anyone recommending throwing a tea bag to a chin. Even if what was in the bag was safe, that would be a lot at one sitting.
I do an herbal, oat, hay mix as Tanya suggested. Each night they all get between 1/2 - 1 teaspoon. The measuri.g kind not the eating spoon. The only other "treat" besides wood is every nite I do a check in & give all my boys 1/2 of a shredded mini wheat.
Yes, Tanya..that was it. Thanks. I really wish I found this forum when I first got Trixie I have learned a lot here.
thank you! I was thinking of throwing some dried mint leaves in their timothy hay? Is that okay to do?
I dont think a pinch will hurt them. But maybe alternate every other night with something else. Like Red Clover or dandelion leaves or rose petals or any other herbs mentioned.