Pretty much all that stuff can be bought at pets stores and or vendors on the forum here. You can also check the classified section too, there is also a list under the supplies for sale section of vendors, as well as the rotation links under the Chins n Hedgies logo sign.
-Water bottle you want a glass one, you can get those at any pet store. If you go with plastic you have to make sure the chins can't access it or they will chew it. Also not all chins can figure out the no leak valve like the one Tikibirds mentioned.
-Hay rack, you want one that is solid not bars, chins have been known to get caught in the bars, once again pet stores work or there are vendors on here that make wooden hay boxes and fleece bags.
-Food bowl, I find that the bird coop cups work best since they screw to the side of the cage so the chin can't throw the whole bowl. Those are found in the bird section of a pet store, as well as some vendors sell them too.
- The wheel is different, you need a minimum of 15" wheel for a chin to avoid back injury. You also want a metal one, so you have to order those online.
Flying Saucer Wheels,
Silver surfers, and
Chin Spins are all good safe wheels.
-Dust check out vendors on here, or once again pet stores sell it. Blue cloud is the preferred chin dust.