What do you say to your chin?

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Also, the A/C I have is one of the old models...I know the new models say the temperature and come with a remote and such.
The model I have just has two knobs inside of a little door that you open. One of the knobs is for the comfort level and the other is for the speed.

It also has a few buttons on top for options like off, cool, fan, etc.

If anyone has it and has a chin, let me know!
Rebecca, you can get very inexpensive digital temperature/humidity monitors at places like walmart.

i myself just taped a glass fish tank thermometer to the wall above/beside Rhino's cage, works for now. my a/c dehumidifies really well, and the humidity isn't high here to begin with, so i'm not as concerned about humidity as i am about the room temperature.
Okay, thanks everyone. I'm not sure if I should keep it on all the time or not because I don't have a thermometer or thermostat or anything in my room that says the temperature. And with the A/C in my room, it does not say what temperature it is, so I can't tell for sure.

Does any one have this A/C? It's the Friedrich Quietmaster...

I believe you can get a decent digital thermometer for pretty cheap at Walmart.
OK this is dumb...when I first got Trixie, I had just lost Scooter, my guinea pig a few weeks earlier. I sat with her, and showed her pictures of her "big brother Scooter who was at the Rainbow Bridge". Sometimes I would just chat. Even now, if it is a night I am not able to take her out for a run, I will sit and talk with her for a few minutes, just to give her some attention.
How did I miss this thread?

I usually talk about Chloe when I talk to her. I say things like "Who's a good girlie who likes to chew on everything? Does my finger taste good? Nom nom nom human flesh? Who likes the taste of human flesh? YOU DO!! That's my little moosh moo!! Yes you was a good girlies!" in a baby voice. It's pretty embarrassing.
I normally ask them how is their day, did you stay out of trouble (normally one would tilt their head, yep that's the bad one of the day). Good morning, good night, behave and etc. Tell them about my day and Chubs normally does the wimpering noise like he's trying to respond.
Temp is at 66-68, leave it in all day and night during late spring, summer and early fall. If temp outside at night is colder than 67 I'll turn off the ac.
Got a digital thermostat that also checks the room's humidity for $8 from walmart.
when Rhino first came home i just nattered away about absolutely nothing, lol. doesn't matter what you say to them, it's how you say it (calmly and quietly) and the fact that they are getting used to you.

right on, ChinnyMom.
i have to agree, even if i'm not a chinchilla mom til saturday. my in-laws nicknamed me "the dog whisperer" after watching me talk their dog down from a panic attack the first time i met him. my mom did the same with my pet pigeon when i was a kid, and (not to be morbid, but) when my degu was dying, she was only relaxed when i made myself calm before holding her and talking to her. inner calm and tone are everything.
did i mention i once got a lost baby bird to hop into my hand the same way? it's seriously never failed me.
i always announce myself before coming around the corner of the doorway into my.... er, Rhino's bedroom, lol. i wouldn't want a creature that is much much bigger than me suddenly appearing without any noise, and i'm sure Rhino feels the same. so when coming through the bedroom door i always say 'hey Rhino' in a soft voice.