What do you miss?

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I loved the "old" Littlest Pet Shops. I remember that you could send in the Proofs of Purchase if you bought so many and they'd send you a free one. I loved doing that! My mom recently dragged out my old LPS horses for a friend's little girl to play with. The kid LOVED them, apparently. I think I still have the rest of my LPS stashed in a box somewhere at my parents' house, too. I had tons of them. The ones they make now are ugly, in my opinion.
Cabbage Patch Dolls! I loved them. The old version of Barbie--she just looks scary now!!

They still have Cabbage Patch Dolls. I got one for my granddaughter at Christmas. I ordered it off their website and for $3.00 more you can choose a name and birthdate for it. Of course, I got a brown eyed/brown haired girl one and gave it my granddaughter's name and birth date. I told my daughter I hope this doesn't turn into a Twilight Zone episode where the doll becomes the child and the child becomes the doll. LOL!
I miss the original baby alives! When I look at the new ones, they look NOTHING like the original. When I was little I had one but ended up having to throw it away because I practically shoved whatever type of food down its mouth and it started to stink, LOL.

I also miss Giga and Nano pets! I use to have LOADS of them when I was in Elementary school. I think I still have my Tamagotchi Angel somewhere, but lost my giga and nano pets along the way of growing up. = )

I miss the original TY beanies too. I use to be able to go to the one Halmark store or the Farmers Market/Auction and buy what ever beanie. Now they are very rare to find and the new ones look stupid. This is when I use to collect, but now I have 50 something TYs sitting in a bin in my attic, lol.

Also the easy bake ovens. They look nothing like what I had when I was 5. Now you can get a variety of dif ones.

Did anyone ever hear of "Bobbles"? I use to have like 2 of them when I was really young. They are stuffed animals.

Oh and I miss GUMBY! I use to watch Gumby when I was little and had a stuffed doll of him.

This might sound gross, but I use to get Coffee flavored soda. I think it was coffee pepsi? or coke? It was so long ago I can't remember which one, but I use to LOVE IT!!!
The alphabet's you can get right down the street here at the little grocery store, and the RKWM I've seen at Wal-Mart
They have Rice Crispies Treats cereal at Walmart. In fact, I have a box in my pantry....
They are not the Rice Krispie treats cereal, they had little marshmallows, Peggy knows the marshmallow! They're the same kind that kind in cocoa.

We have alphabets around here, but not the ones with the marshmallows.

And I miss the Worm lights...those worms with night caps and big plastic heads that would light up...favorite thing when I was a kid <3

Glo worms! I had one!

Did anyone ever hear of "Bobbles"? I use to have like 2 of them when I was really young. They are stuffed animals.

Do you mean Bopples? I had a bunch of them, you could turn them into a ball, they had a little pouch thing on their butt and you could flip them into themselves!
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Peggy! I'll have to see if we still have M. cups at work. We had a pretty big display of them at one point....

Cabbage Patch Dolls! I loved them. The old version of Barbie--she just looks scary now!!

Scary!!!! Remember when they made the one that could "eat" and it chewed that girls hair and ripped a bunch out...or something like that...

I don't know, I think they're creepy...

Trolls with the gem belly button is where it's at! :heart3:
I miss the Sweet Valley High series. My cousin had them, and passed them down to me. I was re-reading them until I turned 18 or so, and my mom snuck them into a garage sale. LOL.
I miss all the Sid & Marty Krofft shows.
Like H.R. Pufnstuf,The Bugaloos,Sigmund the Sea Monster,Lidsville,ect...
The original My Little Pony toys, with the horseshoe print on the bottom of their feet. Applejack went *everywhere* with me. :D

As for foods... Chi Chi's fried ice cream, and TGI Fridays when they had "flair" and balloons for kids with straight A report cards. :D

If you want Mallocups, Tunes, give me an address. My store has them all the time. :D
I loved the Glo Worm I had growing up. I found one for my son, but he killed it. I think Are You Afraid of the Dark is out on DVD now. I think I saw it at the store. I used to miss old cartoons, but now they have Boomarang, so that's almost all that's on my TV. Smurfs, Snorks, Baby Loonytoons, even things I never heard of.
Little smurf figurines
Smurf and Garfield shrinky-dinks
Snorks, Gummy Bears, The Get Along Gang Cartoons and Care Bear cartoons
Pac-Man chewable vitamins
The prizes they used to have in cereal boxes like that submarine that you're supposed to put baking soda in and watch it go
Marshmellow Krispies
Atari 2600
Lawn jarts (probably a good thing they were discontinued, but I loved that game)
Those film strips at school that had either a record player or a tape player that went "beep" every so often and one of us kids got to turn the dial to advance the picture to the next frame (loved it when they went in the wrong direction)
Days when the teacher wheeled in the film projector and we got to see a documentary
Moon boots - those things were awesome... why did they go away :(
How about Merlin? It was electronic and played games like tic tac toe. Romper Stompers, plastic cups with ropes that you walked on. Toss Across, pet rocks, Nancy Drew books and Holly Hobby.
Umm, just a few that someone told me about, lol.