What do you guys do with the Hay shake?

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
At the end of every bag of hay, there is a large amount of what I call shake. It just the small little pieces and basically hay dust.

Do you guys just toss it? My chins wont eat it. I save some of it for my herbal mix but the contaier I just emptied was WAY more than I will ever need.

Just wondering if you make something out if them, like treats OR use it for some household purpose or just throw it away.
I just end up throwing it away... My chin just snuffs at these little bits.

But, maybe you can use them in homemade cookies.

Or, make like an oat paste, dip sticks in the oat paste, and then roll them in the leftover hay? I've seen a few people sell these dipped sticks with crushed rosehips and other misc herbs.
Or, make like an oat paste, dip sticks in the oat paste, and then roll them in the leftover hay? I've seen a few people sell these dipped sticks with crushed rosehips and other misc herbs.

I love this idea! How do you make the oat paste? Water and oat flour? It may be my imagination, but I feel like my chins get small poos after eating oats or treats with oats. Any other ideas on how to get the hay to stay on the stick?
I've tried to get them to eat it to no avail, so I've just been tossing it as well.
Still got the GP? Dump it in her cage. Pigs are little vacuum cleaners! I used to always toss them the end of the bag.
I do Megan. Thanks. Maybe she will like like it. I have never seen a critter eat SO much hay! I thought she would be picky like the chins!!