What do you do on a Sunday?

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Feb 4, 2009
Me? I bake wood of course! How would my Sunday be complete unless I spent hours leaning over a sink to scrub the wood, hours then boiling the wood in batches and even MORE hours letting it bake in the oven?? Sarah (RCR) gave me some awesome wood that isn't baked for an unbelievably reasonable price. I just have to bake it so my chinnies can start enjoying it! I also got some wood from Elisa (Diamond Dreams) because I bake a big batch of wood and in return for her going out and cutting it down for me, she gets half the finished product back. I also cut some of my own mulberry trees in the backyard and that needs scrubbed, boiled and baked as well.

What does this madness I'm doing look like, you ask? Well...of course I would not post a thread without pictures. Here is part of what I have to bake...

Willow perches and pear and apple sticks.

This is what I have scrubbed and waiting to get boiled...

This is what I have baking at the moment...

And THIS is what I have left to scrub!

Pure madness!! It'll be worth it though...I will have some ridiculously happy chinchillas tonight once everything is done and I can put the perches in their cages. I am so glad I have such an understanding boyfriend and that the wood doesn't smell bad when it's baking, LOL! I've been handing him branches that are too big and he'll just saw it to whatever size I want AND he hasn't complained about the piles of wood in various places around the house!
We're still thinking on the logs. He has an idea on how to get them cut to make ledges...but we haven't tried anything yet. That's a project for another weekend since he's working on the cars this weekend.

He says the house smells like tea, lol! There's willow, pear and apple in the oven so it doesn't smell like straight apple this time. We were attracting quite a few bees earlier as well...we closed stuff up so hopefully the bees will stay gone!
Holy cow Tab! You are very productive on a Sunday. Me, not so much, I just watched football with the hubby and kids.
Look at all that nommy wood. I can't show Shelly because she will want some.
I'm wearing Jeff down on Button. He now refers to her as his little girl.
Makes my day look like a vacation for sure! All I did was clean and slave drive the kids! ;) I love the smell of tea, as it steeps, so I am sure your house smells wonderful! Good job on that wood too!
wow all ive done today is go to church and now im taking the drug and achohol course to get my learners permit :) cant wait to start driving!
ps:after you put the perches in you should take pictures! i never tire of seeing happy spoiled chinnies :)
I'm wearing Jeff down on Button. He now refers to her as his little girl.

What a sucker! I knew you'd wear him down over time. :D It's only a matter of time before Button becomes Shelly's evil sidekick...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I put in one perch so far and the girls that have it CANNOT leave it alone. They've been chewing on it, bouncing on it and stretching on it since I put it in there. The other willow perches are a lot bigger and thicker...so they're having to bake longer to cure properly. I also handed out some bite sized chews and the munching going on in that room is insane...sounds like I've got giant termites going to town in there or something.

I'm taking a break now...I was wearing my back brace but my back is still killing me. Probably getting up before too long to do the next batch! Also have to get Tyson cutting more of the apple and pear branches into perch sized pieces.
Holy cow Tab! You are very productive on a Sunday. Me, not so much, I just watched football with the hubby and kids.

Da Bears! :thumbsup:

I cleaned cages and have been trying to recover from the chin show in NY yesterday (long drive)...So the rest of the day is devoted to chillin' and football...

Send me some wood when you are done Tab, I'm running low. ;)
Good for you! It's good to do something with a weekend day...especially something that the chins will enjoy so much!

Today I had to deal with a bunch of family drama...took some chins up to Tucson and now I am on my third batch of applesauce. I'm probably just going to be canning applesauce for the rest of the day...but that's alright, I got a new apple peeler and it's awesome. :D I peeled 20 lbs of apples in less than 15 minutes! With John's help we got an entire batch of sauce in the jars in about 20 minutes.

Don't mind me...I'm functioning on no sleep. I tend to become super positive and happy acting to compensate... :D
Cleaned cages, did chin laundry, make everyone new hanging toys, cleaned and changed playpens around, sunday is chin-day!
Nice Dawn! Usually I am doing cage cleaning on Sundays but this week and next week I have to switch it to Mon/Tues. I felt out of place not doing something for the chins.

Here are some pictures of some chins enjoying their new perches...



You're doin it wrong!

Every other Sunday I try to get to church since I'm not sleeping for a change. On Sundays during football season I like to tune in and watch the best team in the NFL kick some butt. I'm talking about the Green Bay Packers of course. I just love watching number #80 make a few touchdowns and catch some great passes while in triple coverage woot!
Cleaned cages, did chin laundry, make everyone new hanging toys, cleaned and changed playpens around, sunday is chin-day!

Same here, Sundays I roll up my sleeves and make everything **** and span in the chin rooms (aka our office and bedroom) haha. I just finished.
What do I do on a Sunday? Hmmm..usually work. :p I would much rather stay home and make wood yummies for the chinny babies. Speaking of that, it's time to hit up my pear source again to see if they need their trees "trimmed". :p