What do you do during playtime?

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
The playtime poll got me thinking.........what does everyone do while their chins are playing??
Since my playroom is currently my bathroom........I either sit in there with my 8 year old son and we chat mostly about how cute or funny the chins are. And we play with them and watch them do funny things.
OR I sit in there alone armed with a stack of magazines (usually cooking type ones and I pick out recipes) or a book. Lots of my pages have little nibbles at the top.
Oh and of course I pick up poo.........lots & lots of it!! :)
Most of my chins like to use me has a human trampoline so I sit in the middle of the chaos with my lap top. Koda loves to launch up on my head.
Same here. I love sitting on the floor so that they can explore me, lol. I tried using my laptop in there a couple of times but CJ, my older chin won't let me, he keeps pulling the screen down and jumping on the keyboard.
I usually just sit in the bathroom and play with her. I don't bring anything in with my because she's entertainment enough, haha.
My daughter sits in the bathroom and texts her friends while the chins jump off of her. lol
We sit and watch them and get used as jumping boards and hiding places :)).
I have two playpens attached together for a larger play area and I usually sit inside while Tinkerbell sits on my lap or hides under my legs. I just become a play structure for her!
My girls have the foyer as their room. I get to do 2 seperate playtimes every night, since I have 2 pairs. I spent the first 15 minutes of each playtime tidying up their cage and replenishing hay & pellets, and the next 45 minutes either sitting or laying on the floor, usually reading a book but sometimes playing a DS game. I am climbed on, kissed, tasted, bounced off of, and generally beat up the whole time.
In addition, I have to make flying leaps to prevent the occasional escape, break up scuffles over chew sticks, and sometimes wipe pee off my carpet from Pee Wars.
Between playtimes, I have to sweep up every single poop from Sally & Amy, or Tami makes it her business to pee on whichever ones she finds that don't belong to her or Evie. :impatient:
And then I start the process over again. ;)
I'm like so many others; A human lift off pad.

My chins bounce off of me, nibble me, Doof tries to yank my pants off, I get abused haha.
I occasionally try to get some reading done, but my papers usually end up quite "decorated" by the end of it all, and my highlighters/pens often get stolen! I've yet to attempt bringing the laptop in with Kenai, as he chews just about everything. I'll often wear one of my large sweatshirts as well, as the boys looove crawling in and wreaking havoc!
When i take Tika for play time in the bathroom usually she is the main entertainment and i am just a big jungle gym. But a lot of txting occurs as well during playtime.
Bella likes me to follow her around and talk to her and be there to be jumped upon. Most of my fleece pj pants are really worn in the knees from all the time spent crawling across carpet.

Kiwi prefers that I stay in one place and she hops on, then off, then on then off, then boings away, then runs thru the room, then comes back to see if I have any treats, then boings off again.
I spend the first 10 picking up all the poop in the cage and putting it im my potted plants then replacing hay and food. Then if the roomies decide to join Petra becomes the flying beast and sees how fast she and run around/under/over/through all of us and then tries to beat her record. She demands our attention and our applause and if some one doesn't think what she is doing is cool enough, they get ignored and shunned. If I'm alone I try to get some homework done, although this makes Petra sooooo mad. She will try to get my attention the entire time. And now she has figured out that if she leaps hard enough at the back of my laptop it will close on my hands which hurts and makes me pay attention to her.

Nyx on the other hand is still kind of confused by large open spaces and being allowed to run. She scampers a bit then just sits back on her hind legs and gazes. She has finally taken to hopping up on my and snuggling me but I am not to move during this "loving: even trning a page makes her run away. Mostly I simply try to make Nyx feel safe.
My husband sits on the inside of the cardboard and I on the outside to catch Chewy when he jumps over the cardboard and put him back in. It's become quite a game.
Mostly I just sit and watch Baz run around. Sometimes I'll try to play my DS and Basil will hop up and promptly sit on it and/or chew it, like I'm not paying enough attention to him. I am also a human trampoline.
I have the carrier in the room, and sometimes some sticks.. but for the most part they are more interested in exploring every square inch of the bathroom, and trying their best to use me to get into the bath tub. Sticks are untouched everytime, so I don't usually bring them in anymore.

I always end up leaving with dusty chin prints all over me, lol.
I have a spare room set up for playtime. I used to use the washroom as well but we are doing renos in there so I had to switch rooms.

I sit in there and do my school work while they run around. I have a large crowd here so total playtime for all the chins combined takes hours and hours, rotating days, etc.

My one chinchilla likes to try to grab at my fingers while I type on the keyboard - he's a nut.
Yeah, most of the time I just sit and watch.

When I was in school I used to do some reading or studying. But now I tend to just watch the chins run around.