What do when your chinchilla has a seizure?

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2010
Pinconning, MI
What causes them and what do you do?? Milo just started having seizures today. I think its from ppl that she doesn't know being around her. But I'm not quite sure what its from.. any suggestions??
Water Vitamin Drops?

My chinchilla just had a seizure, I'm gonna try some vitamin drops for her water just in case shes not getting enough vitamins. and also what food do you recommend for chinchillas? Milo is currently on Sunseed. I'm not sure its the best for her, buy thats all they had at the pet store. I'm going to the pet store tomorrow.. So all the recommendations that i could get tonight would be great! Thanks ahead of time :)
Seizures can have several causes- low blood sugar, neurological defect, or injury. It would take a vet to tell you why. Others on here can tell you what is most likely, but I can just recommend a vet visit.
Vitamin drops are not going to help with a seizure.

What is the temperature where your chin is? Was she out for play time? What kind of treats do you give and how often? What was she doing immediately before the seizure? How do you know it was a seizure?

Again, as you were told in another thread, you are near good breeders there in Michigan. They would happily sell you food, I'm sure, so that you didn't have to use pet store crap. Sometimes you can get good food at pet stores, but not many of them carry it. Oxbow and Mazuri are the only ones you can get in pet stores, and it's only the large chains.
The temp up in my room is well below 70 and I have a cooling rock under her house. She was out for playtime, I always give her plenty of time out to play! The lady at the petstore said vitakraft dandelion. and dried fruit mix. But I stoped giving it to her! I just got her out of her cage. I got her out and put her on the floor and she laided down immediatley and was stiff and you could see her shake a bit! What about purina rabbit? I heard that was a good food to feed chinchillas cause its high in protein.
You do not want high protein. 15% is ideal, but most tend to run around 17%. I would not give her playtime for a while, and if you do, keep it to 10 to 15 minutes tops, 2 or 3 times a week for now. If this happened after play time, it could be either over heating or a hypoglycemic episode (low blood sugar).
What do you do if is Hypoglycemic?? Is there anything that I could give her??

I just want to make sure that she stays healthy :) Ya know what I mean?? If that means I have to buy some kind of supplements for her than so be it.