What do the chins think??

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
L.A area
I was just wondering what chinchillas think about when we change clothes. they always stop what they are doing and look at me when I take on/off a jacket or a hat or something. I mean, it's gotta look like we are peeling off our skin or something! If I was a chin, I would be pretty confused.

Any thoughts?:)
Rhino's cage is right beside my bedroom closet, and he pays me no attention at all when i'm getting changed or dressed. but you do have to wonder what animals think of us silly humans putting and taking off layers like that........ lol.
Only my boy Chubs react when I had chins in my room. He does the head tilt and got the look "HOW?" written all over his face. :laughitup: He probably wants to know if he can take his fur coat off like that hehehe.
Hey, my boys always stare at me when I get changed, and when I go to say goodbye to them, they always have to inspect everything I'm wearing that is other than my PJs.