What do people use for a litter pan

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Active member
Jan 9, 2015
Title says it all, was looking a john Hopewell pan, but have read of people just using a Perspex tray?
I just use a glass Pyrex pan... Well the off brand version
I use heavy square ceramic baking dishes, about 10". I find the chins are more likely to use these and with 2.5" sides, more shavings stay in. The smaller ones I found were messy I think because the whole chin couldn't go in there to do their business.
Yarp, if you pop it in the spot they usually go they will normally start to take to the pan with some kind absorbent material in it. I use kiln dried pine shavings in my but loads of options.
I build my own out of kiln-dried pine - tutorial on my blog - they're super safe and a fun easy project!