What could this be??

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2009
Independence, Ky
I just recently got 2 new females from a breeder a week and a half ago. One is 10 weeks and the other 11 weeks. They are both housed together and the breeder bonded them for me. I got my beige girl out tonight just to hold her and get her used to me and noticed on her ear she had a darker red area. It looks like a bursted blood vessel. It's like a V shape. It is not open or anything. She is eating, drinking and pooing fine. I am just curious about what it is. I will post a picture in the morning i am at work now. I dont know what it is from. Or if it's anything i need to be concerned about. I havent let them out for play time yet because i want to get them used to me first. So she didnt get too hot or anything. Thanks
This happened to GiGi once. Does it look like port wine stain? From what I gathered with GiGi it was a bruise in her ear and she was just fine. Within a couple of days it went away. As long as your girlie is eating and pooing fine and the ear is not bleeding I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Yea i think thats what it looks like. To me it just looks like a bursted blood vessel. It's like bright red. It could be like brusing. What normally causes it?
I don't know! I never saw it again in GiGi. She lives with her mom and they have never fought. So I'm just not sure what happened. Maybe she brushed against the cage somehow. GiGi is a beige so her ears are lighter and I was able to notice it. But as I said I've never seen it occur again and that was about 1 1/2 years ago.
The ear gets dragged across the cage bars or gets abraded in some other way. Maybe the chin ran into it while jumping around like crazy, or even was leaning against it too hard during sleep time? Who knows. :)

It's just like a little bruise there on the ear. I'm sure that all the chins have the same type of thing happen, but you can see it in the beige ears because their coloring in the ears is so light.
I have seen that in my animals with pink ears on ocasion. Usually after I hear a loud noise in the chinchilla room that sounds like elephants jumping around, the next morning someone will have that
Oh wow, I have never seen anything like that, just goes to show you can learn something new everyday!
This is EXACTLY what GiGi's looked like! Hers went away in about a week and she's suffered no ill affects from it at all!
All of my beige chins have had that at one time or another. It will go away in a few days and the chin will be fine.
I only have 2 beige kids, but have never seen that either. Glad to know what it is, and that it's nothing real serious just in case it ever does happen to one of mine. Good luck with your 2 new babies. Chinnies are WONDERFUL!!! (And very addicting.... lol)