What could this be? Hard painful knot on side of foot.

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
For about two weeks now I have had this very small, red, hard knot on the side of my heel. It's probably about the size of a pencil eraser. At first I was wondering if it was a heel spur but they are supposed to be on the bottom center of your foot. This is on the side of my foot, by my heel. It is painful to begin with but whenever I touch it, it is even worse.

Has anyone heard of these and know what they are?
Do you remember stepping on or scrapint your foot on anything barefooted within that time? You could possibly have something in there that's started festering.
I had a small hard callous knot thingy on the bottom of my heel before. The doctor said it was some type of wart. I got medicated sticker pads that I cut and put on the wart. After a couple of days it looked like someone used a cork borer to take a chunk out of my foot.

Not sure if its what you have but maybe?
my wart was under the skin. There was a special name for it but I don't remember what it was. The callous that was on top of the skin was just dead skin from the wart underneath.
Eww :p Aren't warts on top of the skin, though? This feels like it is under the skin.

Nope - not usually. I have had a couple of warts on my feet (when I was a teenager). One was about the size of a quarter on my heal. I used that acid stuff and then put duct tape over it to seal it in. Then every other night I would cut on it (yes it hurt), and reapply the acid and tape. After about 2 or 3 weeks of doing that, it was gone. The trick to removing that type of wart is removing the "seeds" (as they are often called seed warts). These "seeds" look like little fibers growing into the skin from the surface. And boy do they hurt when you pull 'em out with tweezers! OUCH! But anyway, I'd have a doc look at it and tell you what they think before you go doing anything like that. But, that's exactly what the doc told me to do for mine (but it was also diagnosed as a wart).

Another lump seen on the side of the heel is called an inclusion cyst. This lump appears as an elevated, soft mass which is often callused on is surface. These are caused by minor puncture wounds or from prolonged pressure or friction to the area by shoe gear. Surgical excision is often recommended. Padding the area to reduce friction may be of some temporary benefit in painful situations.
Plantars warts are almost always topical. They go INTO the skin, but they are open on top. I fought them for years after picking them up at a skating rink. Freezing, acid, cutting, digging - you name it. Finally got rid of them by wearing those silly, cheap bamboo flip flops. Go figure. Nastiest freaking things on the planet. Ironically, my kids got them the exact same way - at a skating party at a local ice rink. They were about as happy with the treatment as I remember being. :)

I was going to say a callous or an inclusion cyst, as Laura mentioned. My dad used to get them all the time because he had really narrow feet and nothing seemed to fit just right, so his shoes would rub in all the wrong places. If it had been on the front of the foot, I would have wondered about a corn.
I'd say it's probably one of those cysts too after reading up on them. I'm on my feet constantly at work and honestly, I have some pretty crappy work shoes since we have to wear dress shoes. They are always rubbing my heels.

Another lump seen on the side of the heel is called an inclusion cyst. This lump appears as an elevated, soft mass which is often callused on is surface. These are caused by minor puncture wounds or from prolonged pressure or friction to the area by shoe gear. Surgical excision is often recommended. Padding the area to reduce friction may be of some temporary benefit in painful situations.

yup... ive gone through this about 7 times. i danced ballet for 17 years, so ive had every foot problem under the sun.. and this one is not good to have. its almost comparative to the feeling you have with hammertoes, but on your heel.... if that makes sense...
but, it wont get better on its own.. and wearing tight shoes makes it worse.
good luck... and im hoping its just a wart, for your sake!
I'd say it's probably one of those cysts too after reading up on them. I'm on my feet constantly at work and honestly, I have some pretty crappy work shoes since we have to wear dress shoes. They are always rubbing my heels.

i would totally recommend some Fitzwell Boots if you need to wear dress shoes. they are reallly cute and fashionable, and all of them have the softest gel insoles built in.


i wouldnt make it through my 10 hour day without fitzwells!
All I can say is please refrain from posting any foot items on the forum! Some of us are totally grossed out by feet lol!

Stack, whatever it is, as my first thought was perhaps a corn, I hope you get it taken care of and your gross nasty feet (don't worry I think everyone has gross nasty feet) are back to normal ASAP
All I can say is please refrain from posting any foot items on the forum! Some of us are totally grossed out by feet lol!

I am SOOOO with you on this Laurie. Feet - ick. Old people feet - the worst. I'd get descriptive, but I'm eating dinner and don't want to get queasy.

Stack - I'm sure your feet are just as adorable as the rest of you, but please, no pictures!
LOL I'm grossed out by feet too, but I had no idea what this is and it is seriously painful. Everyone on here knows pretty much everything so I'd thought I'd ask :p

Anyway I went to the doctor today and it is an inclusion cyst- so at least I don't have warts. But..I definitely do not want to deal with surgery right now so I'm just going to have to put up with it for awhile.