What colour is this guy?

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Posted in a previous thread and can't edit it now! I have pictures of the Chin i was on about.

They are in my photo album i can't put them up separately for some reason.
Agreed, the chin is a Standard. Rather scary that the pet store didn't know that...
Thanks everyone!

Agreed, the chin is a Standard. Rather scary that the pet store didn't know that...

Okay so my pictures aren't great cause he wanted to hold the chin but i didn't get the white 'tufts' that are on the chins side. So was questioning whether it was a standard myself or something else.

Can anyone explain these white tufts as to what they are? Like he has his normal coat but seems to have this second coat in patchs (and its not loose fur).

Just thought it was unusual.
It is actually loose fur, looks like priming. What that chin would need is a comb and a lot of dust.

Thanks for clearing that up! Will tell the pet shop but after that its not my problem i guess, shouldn't have them if he had to ask me what it was :banghead: