what breed of chinchilla?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
I have been trying to determine what kind of chinchilla I have been given, she is a light tan color, with red/pink eyes, and she has light ears that have little dark spots or freckles all over them. Her baby is 7 weeks old and he is a gray color.

any ideas?
these are the best pictures i have right now
the mama is the bottom picture


moom looks to be beige. The baby's looks really off color in the photo but is likely a standard. Hard to tell with either my computer or your picture.....he look so orange, may be the background color coming off onto him. proper term is just color not breed.
It looks like you got a standard gray (baby) and a beige (mom). I'm not sure what kind of beige because in the pic it's so muted on my screen but hetero beiges are darker beige and have dark red/brown eyes while homo beige chins are lighter and creamier in color with bright red/pink eyes.
thanks everyone, i agree. she is a lighter creamier color with bright red eyes, so im assuming she is a beige, possibly a homo beige.
Momma is a hetero beige. A homo beige can only give a beige gene to her offspring, thus throwing only beige (or beige hybrid if the father was a mutation color) kits.