What box do i use for sold chinchillas?

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<---Apple Tree Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2011
Is there a certain box recommended to put your baby chinchillas in that you're selling? I am referring to the boxes like the ones a pet comes in purchased from Petco. When someone comes to pick up the chinchilla, what should I put the chinchilla in to make the ride back to its new home an easier trip?
I usually have the owner bring something. Most of the time it is a cat carrier but any small box is doable....just punch plenty of holes in it for them to breathe.
I won't send them home unless there is a carrier. At some point, a cardboard box isn't going to cut it, whether it's for a vet trip or for a move or some emergency. They may as well get one right now and be done with it.
I have them bring a carrier. I'll only allow a box if they aren't going far (under an hour drive). I suggest a fleece scrap for the bottom as its less messy than shavings and works just fine for while in the car.
If you cannot pick up a chin with appropriate carrier I would question adopting a chin out to that person.
I require people to bring their own carriers. Very occasionally people forget and it's whatever box I have on hand with holes, if I have one. If I don't, they get to go to petco and pick one up.

For the most part chins sleep in the car. As far as circulation, it's all about how and where you poke the holes. =)
Thanks everyone. I plan on picking up the some boxes from Petco to have some on hand for those who do not have a carrier.