What are ways I can get Furby to stop biting his fur?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
So, my chinchilla Furby keeps biting his fur, he doesn't have a cage-mate and such. He has chew toys and such and I take him out a lot. What can be causing this and what are ways to get him to stop? Without putting stuff on his fur?
Not much you can do other than offer him lots of things to do. I remember suggesting things to you in another thread. Sometimes nothing will keep them from chewing their fur.
Some chins will continue to chew their fur no matter what. It's just something they do. If you're providing toys, attention and playtime and he still does it, then I think you'll just have to live with a fur chewing chin. It isn't so bad.

Perhaps in a couple weeks, or a month or a year he'll stop. Or perhaps it will just be something he always does. You just need to wait and see.
How long have you had Furby for? Fur can take quite a while to grow back so if he was stressed in his previous environment then it could take quite a while for his for to grow back. And as others have said, he could just keep chewing it no matter what you do. Fur chewing doesn't harm them it just doesn't look all that pretty. I have one boy whose fur was rather patchy but I've had him a good six months now and his fur is slowly but surely growing in.
How long have you had Furby for? Fur can take quite a while to grow back so if he was stressed in his previous environment then it could take quite a while for his for to grow back. And as others have said, he could just keep chewing it no matter what you do. Fur chewing doesn't harm them it just doesn't look all that pretty. I have one boy whose fur was rather patchy but I've had him a good six months now and his fur is slowly but surely growing in.

I have had him since September. As far as I can tell he has stopped biting, but I can see from your post that fur takes a while to grow back :) i switched him to a bigger cage which he has lots to do in and he's still super active and adorable.