What are these noms?

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Loving Pet Owner
Aug 29, 2010
San Diego, CA
This is what I get from my vet, but I'm not sure what food this is.


I have some alfalfa pellets that look like that..they are larger than regular pellets, kind of shiney, and are just called alfalfa treats. Granted, they've been sitting in the baggie they came in for about a year now...

Is that the actual feed you get from your vet? There really is no way to tell just by looking at pellets, because pretty much all the chin-safe pellets look the same. There's no way I could tell the difference between Tradition, Oxbow, and Mazuri if you mixed it all together.

I would call your vet and ask..I doubt anyone can tell you what it is just by looking at it.
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Yes, I get this in bulk from vet. I'm running out so I thought I would ask if y'all knew what it is. I'll give them a call. Thanks.
In case you do run out before getting more of the feed, it's ok to give Handbag hay for a couple of days.
Always a good idea to find out exactly what food the vet is giving you, some vets will wrongly tell you to feed fruits and veggies :(