What a sweet girl to bring home!

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
Here's a pic of my newest chin, Sadie. She's a rescue chin from a girl that lives nearby me, and I found her thanks to Susan! :) Thank you so much Susan, this is the friendliest chin I have ever taken home, I just can't believe how sweet she is! She also came in a gigantic bird cage (which I'm just starting to decorate/remove all the plastic), so that wheel is gone and I'll have a chinspin in there shortly. I can't wait for her quarantine to be over so I can introduce her to my other lonely little lady!

Also I might rename her? although Sadie suits her pretty well.


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I like the name Sadie!! Congrats on your new baby! Hope your other chinny girl likes her too!
Now that I look closely, I realize she doesn't really have a white belly. There are traces of white but that's about it. Her fur is also a little darker than my standards. It's probably hard to tell from the picture what color she is, but I know nothing about the mutations. Is she just a darker standard? Charcoal? hmm


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Thank you, Stackie, now that I looked up what light ebony is I agree.
And thanks everyone else , I am quite happy with her!
new pics :)

I got better pictures now that she loves me more!



I'd get metal twist ties or some chain or something to hold whatever it is you're trying to hold together on the cage, rather than the yarn.
Oh it's not holding up anything, it's unoiled sisal rope. Just there for her to chew/look pretty