What a difference a room change makes...

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Your setup is awesome and your chins are beautiful!!!!! However, I have to ask one question...did you have a hand vac on standby because I don't see one chin poop in any of your cages!! That is just not possible LOL

Haha, CJ's cage was just set up so it was super clean and the rest of the cages had poop but I took pics from a distance cuz I didn't get a chance to clean them yet.

love the new setup! and i adore cj's decor! very nice and very lucky chinnies. ;)

Thanks Michelle! I love the heart fleece from Fuzzie's Kingdom, it was perfect for him since I worry about him so much.

Glad CJ is thriving with the change of locale! Those wheeling pictures are so funny!

Thank you, and he is! I am glad it was just the weather related issue and not anything more serious. As soon as he got in his newly redecorated cage, he immediately got on his wheel. :))

Laurie, I should slip some Packer chin paraphernalia in Sandi's box I have to send her. Think she'd notice?

Love the pictures, such lucky boys you have!

Grrrr, I'll make sure the boys poop on it if you do. :neener:

Alli do it!!!! LoL!!!!


Originally Posted by ticklechin
You have enough toys on those shelves?????? Talk about SPOILED CHINNIES! They are just adorable!

I agree, some spoiled chinnies there!
Where did you get those lovely car toys? Did you make them yourself?

LOL! No, I didn't make any of the wood toys, I wish I were so crafty. All the toys you see on that shelf were given and sold to me by a member here who noger longer had chins and had to get rid of all of her chin stuff that she accumulated in 3 years, so my boys lucked out.