West Coast 2010 Show Results

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Sammamish, WA
Sorry it took so long to get this done. Claire was gone and then we had a snafu with our software that we use to print it out. But now it's done.

Here are the results:

Grand Show Champion~~~~~~~~~~~~RBS X604~~~~Ridge Chinchillas
Reserve Grand Show Champion~~~~~MBC V11~~~~~Chin
Champion Female of Show~~~~~~~~~RBS X604~~~~Ridge Chinchillas
Reserve Female of Show~~~~~~~~~PHNX X2~~~~~Johnstone
Champion Male of Show~~~~~~~~~~~MBC V11~~~~~Chin
Reserve Male of Show~~~~~~~~~~~MBCV17~~~~~Chin

White Champion Female~~~~~~~~~~~RSF 191~~~~~Frazier
White Reserve Female~~~~~~~~~~~RSF 583~~~~~Frazier
White Champion Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~MBC V11~~~~Chin
White Reserve Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~JJC Z52~~~~~J. Craner

Violet Champion Female~~~~~~~~~~~RSF 588~~~~~Frazier
Violet Reserve Female~~~~~~~~~~~RSF 589~~~~~Frazier
Violet Champion Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~RCR Z3~~~~~Ralston

Beige Champion Female~~~~~~~~~~~CCHT X13~~~~De La Vega
Beige Reserve Female~~~~~~~~~~~PSK V1410~~~Ralston
Beige Champion Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~JJC X240~~~~J. Craner
Beige Reserve Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~JJC X230~~~~J. Craner

Naturalle Champion Female~~~~~~~~~MARF X6~~~~Foster
Naturalle Reserve Female~~~~~~~~~RDZ X23~~~~Hong
Naturalle Champion Male~~~~~~~~~~~CCHT X10~~~De La Vega
Naturalle Reserve Male~~~~~~~~~~~JJC X56~~~~J. Craner

Black Champion Female~~~~~~~~~~~~RBS X604~~~Ridge Chinchillas
Black Reserve Female~~~~~~~~~~~~PHNX X2~~~ Johnstone
Black Champion Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CAC X57~~~C. Craner
Black Reserve Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CAC X47~~~C. Craner

Ebony Champion Female~~~~~~~~~~~~SBC X12~~~Ridge Chinchillas
Ebony Reserve Female~~~~~~~~~~~~RCR V1~~~~Ralston
Ebony Champion Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MBC V11~~~Chin
Ebony Reserve Male~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JJC X227~~~J. Craner

Total animals shown was 182, with 18 exhibitors. There were 88 standards shown. It was a long show, but super informative. Jack was a great judge and made a lot of great comments for all. Official results will be in the magazine and on the web site when the right people can get it done.

Thank you all for participating. Until next year,
Breeder Awards are as follows:

Whites: 1st ~~~~~Frazier~~~~~~42 points
~~~~~~2nd~~~~~J. Craner~~~~~29 points

Beige: 1st~~~~~J. Craner~~~~~36 points
~~~~~~2nd~~~~~Frazier~~~~~~29 points

Naturalle: 1st~~~~~J. Craner~~~~~107 points
~~~~~~~2nd~~~~C. Craner~~~~~88 points
~~~~~~~3rd~~~~~Frazier~~~~~~76 points

Blacks: 1st~~~~~C. Craner~~~~~44 points
~~~~~~~2nd~~~~~Frazier~~~~~~29 points

Master Breeder: J. Craner with an average of 5.80 points
How many animals are used for totaling the Master Breeder award? Is there a minimum number of chins for Master Breeder? Also, are averages not used for the breeder awards in each color category? This was my first MCBA Show so I didn't know how breeder points were calculated (whether it was overall points or averages) but last weekend a rancher mentioned to me that he thought the MCBA show system used averages only, rather than total points as ECBC does.

On a side note, I got the rosettes - thanks! And I sent mine off to you too.
Thanks, Tiffany! That was just what I was looking for. So if I understand correctly, averages are used for the Master Breeder award (someone who has 30+ animals with at least 3 different colors) but total points are used for the Breeder awards for each mutation?
Right, Sumiko. But Julie Ouderkirk just told me that we don't do Master Breeders except at Nationals. But if we did, Jerry Craner would have been the "man". So, my mistake. I just remembered that Jack had asked about that to me specifically, and it's understandable since he's ECBC.
I thought it was up to the chapters whether they did Master Breeder or not... WI and MI have offered it, I think? But no one ever brings 30 animals...