Hardcore Fleece Addict
Today I noticed that Jimmy had what appeared to be a scrape on the left side of his nose, no bleeding, just raw skin. He also has an area right under his eye, and his left ear also looks a little raggedy. I did try to introduce him to Zim last week, had them him out in the play room and they scuffled for a brief moment, some fur flew and they were separated immediately. I checked them over afterwards and they were fine. That was last week. I pick them up every day and look at them closely and it was only today that I noticed Jimmy's left side looked like that. His appetite and behavior are perfectly fine. I did let him play in the bathroom yesterday and we have a tile floor there and he loves to wall surf and act crazy so I don't know if he hurt himself then, I watch him pretty close when he plays and he didn't seem to slow down last night, and I don't know if he might have hurt himself in his cage. He can see out of his left eye and there is no discharge. I have an appointment to take him to the vet Monday, but I just wanted to know if I should take him in sooner or if it is okay to wait since he's behaving normally. I have just had him a couple of months and of course now I'm freaked out and wondering if this was my fault.