Weird Exhaling/Hiccuping sounds?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Well Furby was drinking water and chewing on some wood when all of a sudden he began to hiccup, I think. He was curled up in a ball and making sqeaky hiccup sounds. And exhaling in sharp short breaths like he had dust in his nose or something. These sharp short audible breaths, he doesn't do them much or anything, it sounds a little like he's sneezing? Is he just getting dust out of his nose or is something wrong? he is eating normally, very active, poops and pees normally as well. Someone help me, do I need to take him to the vet? he just started doing this....
hiccuping and sneezing can be a sign of an upper respiratory infection. Chins do mask their illness well--honestly if this behavior continues you need to get him to a vet to have him checked out. He also could have gotten a piece of wood stuck, you need to monitor him very closely the next day and any sign of distress you should take him in to be looked at.