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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Adrian J

I have noticed that my Chinchilla Hendrix has been losing some weight, I was not so sure at first I just figured that a younger chinchilla in the same cage was gaining weight and making her look smaller. But today I finally noticed that she is smaller than usual. She still eats, she loves to eat, every time she hears the food in the bag she goes crazy. She also has a wet nose and wet under her mouth, also she has poops stuck to her, they do not look very well digested they still look like pellets. ALso I saw blood on one of the poops today. I know that many of you would say to take her to the vet immediately, and I would but right now I jobless and cannot afford this. What could I do?
Unfortunately, the only answer is to take him to the vet immediately. It sounds like he has a severe URI or malo, in addition to something going on internally. If you can't afford the vet, you can see if they will allow you to relinquish the animal to them, and a local rescue will take over his ownership and care. Please seek help for the little guy so he has a chance.