Weight loss! Advice needed please.

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Dec 28, 2012
One of my chinchillas, Hershey, has been losing quite a bit of weight lately and I am concerned. I have taken him to the vet and was told that nothing was wrong and to just “keep an eye on him”. The vet examined his teeth but said nothing was out of the ordinary.

He is seven years old and down to about 550 grams. He used to be my chubbiest chin at almost 800 grams.

He used to be housed with three other males for about six years until the oldest chinchilla passed away about a year ago. Could he be losing weight due to losing his friend? He is still housed with his two remaining cage mates. I haven’t noticed any fighting over food or other aggression and they have all been together for most of their lives.

He also doesn’t seem to have any drool or pawing at the mouth that would indicate something wrong with his teeth. He is given a diet of Mazuri chinchilla pellets, timothy hay, and bottled water, provided fresh daily with the occasional treat.

How can I increase his weight? I have heard about people using Oxbow Critical Care, Is that a good product?

Also, I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but he has also been getting hair rings quite often lately. In the nearly 10 years and 7 chinchillas I have owned, (all whom were male), I have never had a problem with hair rings until recently with Hershey. Could there be anything else wrong?

Any advice or suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you.
If the oral exam was done with him awake its useless. I would suggest another vet and xrays done. I would seporate him and see exactly how much he is eating, drinking and pooing. In a group its hard to tell those things.
I am in the process of finding a new vet and if there is a possibility of it being tooth related, I will definitely get x-rays. I have been separating him at night for the last few days (I’m worried that he may become even more stressed if I separate him completely). He has been eating about a tablespoon of pellets and a handful of hay a day. That is quite a bit less food than my other chinchillas that eat about 4 tablespoons of pellets a day, each.
Chins with teeth issues do get more hair rings since they don't clean themselves well or at all. Oral exam under gas is the only way to see the rear molars with any sort of clarity and x-rays should be done also. Silent giardia can also cause weight loss with no symptoms but teeth issues are the most common. I would get a second opinion since 300gm loss IMO is not something to watch and to supplement to increase weight is only masking the original problem, not treating it.
I agree with Dawn in case of teeth issues.
Until you get the full teeth check up, what you can do to help him to try and maintain or increase his health is get some LifeLine http://www.chocolatechinchillas.com/id6.html. I believe she now does a mix of lifeline and critical care. Not 100% sure though.
Anyhow, it cannot hurt in any way,.
Thank you for your response. I am taking him to the vet right now to see about getting his teeth checked more thoroughly.
I agree with feeding the lifeline and/or critical care to help with the weight gain. Please keep us updated on how the vet visit went.
The vet took an x-ray and found that he has a spur on one of his teeth. He is scheduled to have it removed in a week. The vet also gave some critical care to help get his weight back up. Thank you everyone for the advice, I'm glad we were able to catch the problem before it got worse.