Weight Gain

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so chloe has gained 12 grams in 2 days...:hmm: she was 798 now today she's 810... any ideas?.... is this a big weight gain or am i imagining this? 17th 795: 19th 800: 20th 799: 22nd 798: 24th 810: is this weird?
Is there anyway she could be pregnant? Is she on a new food? Maybe she just likes her food. I only do weights once a month unless I think there is a problem.
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It may just be the timing too. I know in order to get a most accurate weight with animals you should weigh them at about the same time during the day, and also depending on the day their weight might be different.
i weigh them around 8:30-9 pm and i do have a male but they arent housed together next to eachother though...
Is what's going in coming out?? How old is she?
Young chins sometimes have a "growth spurt," especially with new and better food, whether it be pellets or hay, too!
That is only 15 grams. She may have just eaten or drank. I only weigh mine once a week, unless they are kits. Even then, I see larger fluctuations without any problems.