Weight Gain?

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I've seen tons of posts on weight loss but I have a question about weight gain. Since I have been handfeeding Richie his weight has steadily gone up.
At its lowest he was 614, I weighed his last night and he was 648 but I weighed him tonight and he was 656! That is 8 grams in 24 hours. is that ok? I have been getting lots more food in him the last 3 days since he has been off the baytril.......from 60 cc's a day to 80 or more (today I got 91cc's in him!)
I have never been concerned with weight gain. It is weight loss that scare me. I wouldn't worry to much considering he is on the mend weight gain should be good.
When I was hand feeding Buttons during his sickness his weight ballooned from 456 to 527 in one day. You need to take into account the amount of food in his belly as well. All in all, weight gain is good. He'll let you know when he's finished eating. In a day's time, how much food are you now getting into him?
Did you weight him right after feeding him and the last time before. It is amazing the difference of weight after feeding. Try it - wgt before and after - Totally amazing
no i always weigh him right before his last feeding.........but i guess its a good thing! he is still pooping and peeing (a lot!!) so i know its coming out. i will continue his nightly weight check and just make sure he is still gaining.

btw........last night i got 91 cc's into him!! but for the most part as long as i get 20 at each feeding, i dont force him to eat anymore, but my goal is 80 - 90 per day.
Usually they say handfeeding will produce artificial weight. This means that once hand feeding is over and they begin to eat on their own, they will level out again at a lower number. It is like what our bodies do if we eat healthy normally and then eat a ton of sugar for a few days. We may gain a few but it quickly disappears when we stop eating junk again