Weight Gain Concern

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Mar 23, 2013
Hey Everyone!

Well I wish it was a happier topic to start this evening but I have a concern about my female Chinchilla Eve(4 years old).

Noticed she was been rather moody and more "sleepy" than her usual self last month so I decided to put her on a weight chart to see if there was any weight loss due to illness.

Well here are the results -

15/4/13 - 807G
17/4/13 - 795G
22/4/13 - 814G
25/4/13 - 820G
11/5/13 - 833G
18/5/13 - 853G
24/5/13 - 876G

Now with a bit of worry I decided to give the breeder I got them from a call.
Eve lives with a male Chinchilla called Baby(3 years old) who I was told was neutered by the breeder.

Well after speaking to the breeder it turns out Baby isn't neutered and they said "He never showed any sign of wanting to breed to we assumed he could be sold as neutered"

Now I am rather worried she could be pregnant???
Any help on this would be fantastic as I am really clueless if she is or isn't!
I would assume she's pregnant if she's housed with a male. Sounds to me like your breeder is really irresponsible if they just assumed he was neutered because he didn't show signs of wanting to breed. I would be pretty irate with that breeder if they placed me in that situation. Did your chins come with pedigrees? If not you may be in for some heartache based on things I've read here about breeding horror stories. I don't know if there is a way to tell for sure if she is pregnant or not but would assume so based on the situation. Someone with more experience breeding will give better advice but I would start planning on getting a baby proof cage and getting any supplies you'll need in the event you have complications with your girl or the babies she may have growing inside her.
I would assume she's bred. Just because a chin does not breed for them does not mean its neutered. Idk how many time I've been told a chin is neutered and its not. Male+female= babies. Never assume. I always demand vet papers. She needs to be separated asap and put in a baby safe cage. they should never be caged together or have playtime together unless they both have pedigrees and you plan on breeding.
Already a step ahead there :)
The cage has ramps that lock in place that allows the cage to be locked to 3 smaller cages.
Been out today and bought Blankets for the cage floor to make it safer for kit feet if she is pregnant.

Phoned around and have a vets that have experience with Chinchillas and that are open all night just in case.

Been doing research on Pregnancy.
Also booked 13 days off work around the time she would be due.
:( feeling pretty stupid for trusting a breeder that said he had been neutered.
Got her on the best food I can find and a constant supply of timothy hay :) but they have this all the time anyway.

Only thing I can do now is make best of a bad situation.
If there is kits I will be able to find them good homes atleast
If her age is correct then those weights show she is pregnant. I'll second what Dreamlite said, separate them asap or you will not only end up with one litter, but two. There is a high chance that if the male is not taken out very soon they might back breed and get her pregnant again while she is giving birth. They need to stay separated from now on, but if she litters eventually you can try to pair the babies with the parents, girls with mom and boys with dad. That is if you decide to keep all of them.