Website update... what do you think?

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I updated my for sale page to try to simplify it, for people to read and for me to update.

Please let me know what you think, is there information you would change or add? Something that would make it easier or more appealing?

website is:

Click the chins for sale link on the top bar.

Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:
I like it! I like the quote "Creating the Future". I've seen your website before, I just don't remember if it was there or not haha.

I'm not sure if I like that when you click on "Education" It opens in a different window and that page has more available links on the top. Not sure if you knew about that or not so I thought i'd mention it :) It looks good though! Are the pictures on your homepage the pictures of all the chins you own?

EDIT: Oh dear I feel like a complete idiot! I thought you were talking about your whole website not just the for sale page! I'm blaming a headache and bright computer screens for that one! I just glanced at your post, haha. I'm so sorry!

Your for sale page on the other hand looks great! I love how it has all the information available right next to the chin :) I'm sorry! :banghead:
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Thanks, I've actually been wondering about the whole site and have been asking around to people who have seen it, especially people who are new to chins how they feel it is as far as ease of finding information and getting around, so I'm always glad to know if something can be easier or better!

I had some sort of reasoning with the new page at one time for the education section, but now I'm not sure what it was! That's an easy fix though.

And yup those are all chins here. I was thinking about switching that up and putting up a slide show type deal of various chins here as well.

Thanks so much for taking the time to look it over for me! Especially the whole thing! Since I work on it, and see it from the "back" it's hard for me to look at it like I'm just visiting it.
Haha yes it really does look good! I think possibly a slideshow would be better, just cuz at first I didn't know to scroll down for more information haha (maybe i'm just an airhead?). Overall, great job! I love to do frames on websites, it's a lot easier!

Hope I wasn't too harsh in my last post :p
it's not Safari compliant? :(

I checked on Firefox, also not aligning right. On my laptop so can't see the PC version. The top picture on the right is covering up some words?

It threw a scroll on the top bar (had to scroll down to navigate) on FF but not Safari. The font you are using (white on black) and red on white is very difficult to read.

I get scroll bars to go side to side on the regular page too, to view all the pictures.

If you don't set the background color or have it set to white a lot of people have their browsers programmed to make it a color easier on the eyes - my mom sets hers to pale blue. Might want to pick a hue just off of white to not get caught in that.

When I mouseover the words they turn pure black (disappear).

As far as the frame thing it's a personal choice, but most everything has moved to CSS for ease of compliancy. Frames are considered unprofessional these days.

Went back and re-read - the sale page fixes the scrolling (width), easier to read that way. For a better flow you might want to consider joining the bar columns. I'll leave the rest of my comments for FYI. :))
Mac users account for appx 8 % of all computers, and that's going to have to be a risk I'm going to take apparently. Kind of like buying a BMW and living in the middle of Nebraska, the nearest place certified to work on them is 3 hours away. Not convenient, but what a person gets for that choice.

I'm assuming the scroll bars have to do with screen settings, I'm not aware at this point how to change this to accommodate every monitor setting without making it really tiny for most people. I'm not a professional website person, nor do I want to pay the fees that they offer to maintain a complex site with lots of links and pages, I'm a taught myself at home, hopefully my website helps someone learn something person.

I'm not going for a professional website award, I'm going for easy to maintain and use, tables are that way for me, and they seem to be easy enough to navigate for others.

Maybe someday when I'm not in nursing school I'll take a website class, but I doubt it. At least it's one more, hopefully easy enough and capable enough for most people to use website that's not totally full of wrong information on chins.

Now page color is something easy to change. My site has had a lot of looks since I first made it years ago, maybe someday I'll find just the right one.
I think it's a nice site. I think that the information was easy to find. The pictures of your chins are really nice and clear, so someone will recognize that they are well bred. I did have to use the scroll bar because they are lined up too many accross (if you know what I mean) But, no big deal. I don't think that most people would get confused or anything by that. I'm sure they know how to move the screen a little. I think you did a great job.
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I'm assuming the scroll bars have to do with screen settings, I'm not aware at this point how to change this to accommodate every monitor setting without making it really tiny for most people

Make sure your table width plus frame set does not exceed 800 pixels. I have no idea what editor you are using, so I'll give you bare code examples. <table width="800" height="*"> If you stick with frames, give 200 to the sidebar and 600 to the inside.

I'm going for easy to maintain and use, tables are that way for me, and they seem to be easy enough to navigate for others.

That's cool, I have nothing against tables, use them frequently. Using tables inside of frames often causes display issues. You can avoid that by getting rid of the frames and just using tables.

On your sales page, the code to join the bars is <td colspan="2"> if you have a two column row. Then you only need one <hr>

Mac users account for appx 8 % of all computers, and that's going to have to be a risk I'm going to take apparently
It isn't about the operating system, what you need to worry about is the browsers. Safari is now Windows compatible. Firefox is everything compatible, that's why they have almost 50% of the market.
Here's a breakdown of browsers.

That's why I use it on all of my machines. Chances are, if it is broken in FF it does not work in any of them - and this was true for your case.

I'm not a professional website person, nor do I want to pay the fees that they offer to maintain a complex site with lots of links and pages, I'm a taught myself at home, hopefully my website helps someone learn something person.

That's why I, as a professional took the time to offer the advise you requested. I hope it helps you, though am confused as to why you chose put down my choice in systems instead of simply explaining you didn't know how.

The picture below is what I see the main browsers, Safari, FireFox, IE6/XP and IE7/Vista (pictured).

At least it's one more, hopefully easy enough and capable enough for most people to use website that's not totally full of wrong information on chins.

Exactly why I took the time to help you. The sites that are full of wrong information often look professionally done and it is unfortunate, but people are more likely believe them. :))


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Simple code like that I can change, thanks! I can move that in easily. I've not been able to figure out how to adjust the page width, and always wondered.

I think with Mac's it's a love it or hate it relationship, my dad is a networking guy and well... he works on whatever, but I was raised a PC person.
Just some ideas, not sure if they have been mentioned yet.

I think you should use a different color other than black when you rollover the text links in your header.

On the sales page the text seems too cramped next to the images.